In this image, a dog's paw reaches through the kennel fence at the Queen Anne's County Department of Animal Service in Queenstown, Maryland, Jan. 24, 2008. Getty Images/Jim Watson

Animal activists in China were outraged after a man filmed himself torturing his two pet dogs by beating one with a bat and pouring scalding hot water on the other.

In an Instagram post Wednesday, Nom Aly, an animal activist, shared the video of the incident with the caption, “Activists in mainland China are looking for this animal abuser who tortures his dogs with scalding hot water and beating one with a bat. These dogs live in absolute fear. In most countries, this psychopath would be behind bars, but people get away with this behavior in China due to no animal welfare laws.”

In the disturbing video, the man can be seen pouring boiling water from a kettle onto one of his dogs that is caged. The canine can be seen running around the small cage, yelping in pain. The man then approaches the second canine, which is leashed, before whacking its legs with a baseball bat. The dog tries escaping but is hit again by the owner.

After the video went viral, Animal Hope and Wellness, an animal activist group, released a statement Friday saying they have hired an investigation firm to locate the man.

“We have narrowed the search down to Nanjing Jiangsu province. In order to find him, we hired an investigation firm to help locate his exact whereabouts through his online media accounts. Because this happened in China, it is difficult to track people since law enforcement is not cooperative. Activists and groups have been working to identify this individual, and while the search is narrowing, at the moment there is still no confirmation on identity,” the statement read.

“The screenshot above is the dog abuser’s online media account. He has since erased his page. He had a picture of a dog that was burned as his profile picture. Currently, it is unknown if the dogs in the video are still alive. What makes finding this person important - is that these dogs are living in constant fear, and could be tortured at any moment,” the statement added.