Dog Owner Poured Steaming Hot Water On 'Malnourished' Pet, Fractured Canine's Ribs

A man from Tallahassee, Florida, was charged with animal cruelty Wednesday for pouring hot water on his pet dog and beating it, leaving the canine with fractured ribs.
Police responded to an apartment late July after receiving a report of possible animal abuse. Upon arrival, the officers had a word with the complex’s office manager who said she saw the accused, Jeremy Latimore, "pouring water on the dog with a 'Koolaid' style pitcher” in front of his apartment.
According to the probable cause document, "The office manager described steam coming from the water. The dog was squealing and jumped when Latimore poured the water on it. The officer manager advised the water appeared to be very hot. After a while, Latimore grabbed and picked up the dog by the neck and threw it into the apartment."
The accused then walked into the apartment and began hitting the canine with a plastic pitcher. The manager described the dog as “malnourished” and “skinny” and said she could see what was happening inside the apartment as the main door was left open. The manager also submitted a short video of the assault to the officers. Two other witnesses also said they saw the man pouring hot water on the animal.
The following day, the office manager called the animal control to inform that the dog was running loose in the apartment complex. Following this, the officers arrived at the scene and found the canine at a nearby intersection. The officers described the dog as “extremely underweight and in poor condition." The dog was taken to an animal shelter where it was examined. Vets said the canine had "numerous abrasions consistent with trauma."
"The dog had multiple fractured ribs in varying states of healing. The abrasions were located on the dog's head, face, body, and legs ... Furthermore, the veterinarian indicated the fractured ribs were more likely caused by abuse such as 'kicks, punches, or hitting objects after being thrown' as opposed to being caused by accidental injury such as vehicle impact,” the probable cause document added. Based on the evidence, the accused was taken into custody and charged with animal cruelty.