Dogs And Living Longer: How Getting A Pet Dog Adds More Years To Life

Eating healthy, getting plenty of rest, and exercising, are among the main ingredients to living longer. Doctors often tell their patients that they simply need to cut out bad food and bad habits, and they would be able to increase their life expectancy. However, do you know that when you get a pet dog, you would also live longer?
While you may meet this data with raised eyebrows, research backs it up. According to a study published in the journal of the American Heart Association, “Circulation,” getting a dog is one of the tips to live a longer life. This is one of the things that were included in a study that reviewed the relationship between mortality and dog ownership.
The study did not happen overnight as it spanned many years. According to the authors of the study, as reported in South China Morning Post, they reviewed this relationship to reconcile previous studies, which showed a disparity. Some studies attested to the positive impact of dog ownership on life expectancy. Some did not.
Benefits on Cardiovascular Health
The authors reviewed 10 studies, which, in total, had data on 3.8 million participants. As per the authors’ findings, dog ownership showed a 24 percent reduction of risk for mortality. Data also showed that patients who suffered from a stroke and heart attack experienced greater benefits.
In conclusion, the authors said, “dog ownership is associated with a lower risk of death over the long term, which is possibly driven by a reduction in cardiovascular mortality.” Those with heart problems experienced a positive impact on owning a dog.
More Health Benefits of Dog Ownership
The reduced risk of dying is attributed to the health benefits that dogs give to their owners. They reduce stress levels. They also reduce loneliness and anxiety. Owners were shown to have developed better self-esteem. Besides, they get to spend more time outdoors because they need to keep up with the dog’s morning routine walk.
Given these great benefits, an individual’s blood pressure is lowered significantly by having a dog around. This is why if you want to live longer, in addition to eating healthy, exercising, and following a healthy lifestyle, get a dog. Then, you would be able to experience the benefits that your pooch can bring.
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