Dolphins Getting High On Pufferfish Poison Caught On Video
If you think that only humans have the ability to get “high,” you're wrong. Bottlenose dolphins can also do it, and they do so by using poison.
Over the course of its study, bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops ) have been filmed while under this bizarre and euphoric state. They're not using drugs and other illegal substances, though. Instead, these animals use the poison of a pufferfish ( Tetraodontidae ) to get high.
The Sun posted the video on a recent article, along with several clipped images while under the influence. Apparently, these adolescent dolphins have been using pufferfish poison for their indulgence for a long time. While it's not quite safe to say that they're addicted to it, but they continue to use it despite getting kicked out of their family pod.

Think of it like having your dad catching you with a bag of weed in your room and you get evicted from your house. Dolphins are mammals and they can develop a rather strong ties with each other.
The 40-second video showed a group of bottlenose dolphins on their natural habitat, swimming playfully. One has a pufferfish on its beak and yes, it looked like it's stoned. The animal's eyes can also be best described as half-open, half-close and if one looks a bit closer, you can actually see it smiling.
Moving over, the dolphins also took turns on the pufferfish as they tossed it to each other. The source added that they took turns chewing its skin before it was ripped apart after playing with it for 20 minutes.
Those who have had their fill of the fish's tetrodotoxin swam up the water and started to act very “peculiar.”
Zoologist Rob Pilley previously told The Sun that the video is a case of young dolphins “experimenting.”
“ It was the most extraordinary thing to see,” Pilley said.
Dolphins get high on scared pufferfish and pass them like joints. What a world we live in.
— Alex Kantrowitz (@Kantrowitz) February 16, 2019
The article added that it even came to a point that the dolphins were seemingly perplexed by their reflection on the water.
Experts believed that dolphins may feel “light-headed” once they ingest the fish's poison. This is because the poison contains THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol. It is also found in marijuana and is responsible for its psychological effects.
Pufferfish have high levels of this substance on their liver, skin and reproductive organs. It can prove to be fatal to humans and enough to kill animals “if they take too much.”
One expert, however, contradicted the dolphins' act and said that the poison of a pufferfish can only cause animals “anything but pain.”
“ The puffer fish's tetrodotoxin shuts down nerve cells, but it doesn't cross the blood barrier,” said Christie Wilcox. Furthermore, the Science Sushi author opined that the poison is not like recreational drugs that have a some effect on the brain.
“ I find it hard to believe that it would be pleasurable.”