IMAGES AND SOUNDBITESAs the US Senate is set to hold an impeachment trial of Donald Trump, the republican Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell slams democrats, condemning "the most rushed, least thorough and most unfair impeachment inquiry in modern his
As the US Senate is set to hold an impeachment trial of Donald Trump, the republican Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell slams democrats, condemning "the most rushed, least thorough and most unfair impeachment inquiry in modern history". United States Senate /


  • Social media explodes over Rep. Clyburn's "hang him" comment
  • Dems say you need to listen to the entire CNN interview to see Clyburn didn't mean that
  • Republicans say otherwise

Presidential son Donald Trump Jr. assailed Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), the House majority whip and third ranking Democrat in the House, for an apparently off-the-cuff remark where he said president Donald Trump should be hanged after receiving a fair trial.

Clyburn was interviewed Thursday by CNN anchor John Berman about House majority leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) not commiting to sending the articles of impeachment to the Republican-controlled Senate. In answer to Berman's question about how long Pelosi should hold-on to the articles of impeachment, Clyburn replied:

"As long as it takes. Even if he doesn't come around to commit to a fair trial. Keep those articles here. Keep it as long as it takes ... Let's give him a fair trial and then hang him."

Berman apparently didn't immediately latch on to the "then hang him" portion and let it slide. But not Don Jr. who later tweeted in response to an original tweet from the Trump War Room: "This is how absolutely deranged the far left is. Their hatred knows no bounds. They know they can’t beat @realDonaldTrump, as they literally offer nothing to America only failed policies that have done nothing for decades other than make people dependent on big government."

The tweet from the Trump War Room Don Jr. reacted to read: "The number 3 House Democrat, James Clyburn, just said this about President Trump: 'Hang him!' This hatred and anger is out of control!"

Tweeters took the opposite side of the issue, however, and supported Clyburn. They said you have to take Clyburn's "hang him" comment in context of what he previously said to understand literally hanging Trump is not what Clyburn meant.

Actor and writer Brian Tyler Cohen, who is famous for his anti-Trump spiels on social media, came to Clyburn's defense in his reply to the Trump War Room.

"He literally explains how this is a metaphor for McConnell promising a 'fair trial' after he's already rigged it-- or, in other words, let's have a fair trial and hang him. This White House really does rely on treating its supporters like they're completely braindead."

One tweeter explained, "That's not what happened. Clyburn was making the point that he doesn't think McConnell will run a fair trial because of the comments he's made. Clyburn compared it to someone saying ahead of a trial, 'Let's give him a trial and hang him.' He said it's like "the reverse of that."

And still another said, "This tweet is not at all true. Clyburn didn’t call for Trump to be hanged; he called for a fair trial, and said McConnell’s pre-trial comments are like someone saying pre-trial that they’ll 'give him a fair trial and hang him,' except from the reverse perspective."

But Republicans say they heard what they heard. "We need to go after this guy for wanting to lynch," tweeted someone. Another said, "The post impeachment look for the Democrats has been very bad to say the least."