The White House transition from Barack Obama to Donald Trump (the pair are seen here after Trump's election in November 2016) has been one of the most stark in US history
The White House transition from Barack Obama to Donald Trump (the pair are seen here after Trump's election in November 2016) has been one of the most stark in US history AFP / JIM WATSON


  • Donald Trump used to be a supporter of Barack Obama
  • Donald Trump used to think Barack Obama was great and intelligent
  • Donald Trump and Barack Obama started feuding in 2010

Donald Trump used to be a Barack Obama supporter before he started criticizing the ex-POTUS in 2010.

Two years earlier, President Trump said that Obama has a very good chance of being great. After seeing the ex-POTUS speak in Berlin, Trump realized how amazing the dad of two was.

In a blog post entitled “Barack Obama Election Ushers In A Different World,” Trump also praised Obama for everything that he has accomplished throughout the past year and said that he’s phenomenal.

While speaking with CNBC in 2009, Melania Trump’s husband also said that he has great respect for Michelle Obama’s husband.

“I think that he sets the right tone, he's an intelligent guy, it's about time we have an intelligent guy in that office. He's an intelligent guy, you look at him, he knows,” he said.

But in 2010, the POTUS reportedly underwent a political transformation by criticizing Obama. He also tried to discredit him by pushing for the birther conspiracy that suggested that Obama was born outside the United States.

During this time, the ex-POTUS fired back at Trump at the White House Correspondent’s Association Dinner.

“Now, I know that he's taken some flak lately, but no one is happier, no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than The Donald,” Obama said.

He also said that after the birther conspiracy has been laid to rest, Trump can finally focus on real issues.

Meanwhile, Michelle previously said that even though the birther conspiracy is over, she will never forgive President Trump for what he did.

In her memoir “Becoming,” the ex-FLOTUS said that the birther issue put the lives of her daughters in danger. Michelle said that Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, put her entire family’s safety at risk that’s why she couldn’t forgive him.

When Trump was asked to share his thoughts regarding Michelle’s statement, he said that he will never forgive Barack for what he did to the United States military and for several other things.