US Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump, in a closely watched moment, will return to the campaign trail just one week after narrowly escapation assassination
Donald Trump deletes garbled post on Truth Social. AFP

Donald Trump posted, then later deleted, an error-packed message on social media that included the nonsensical word "powerfuhlnnz."

The Truth Social post on Sunday was apparently intended to praise Border Patrol agents following Trump's trip to Arizona.

"These are great patriots who work their hearts out to have a Strong and Powerfulnnz Border, only to be harassed by Border Czar Kamala Harris, who wants the," stated the full message.

Trump deleted the post hours later following multiple derisive comments.

The message evoked Trump's use of the nonsensical word "covfefe" in a social media post while he was president. That time it became a joke in the media and in political circles, but the stakes are higher now that multiple questions have been raised about Trump's — and previously Joe Biden's — mental acuity as they age.

Trump, 77, in this election cycle has confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi, mixed up cities where he's speaking, called Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban the leader of Turkey, and claimed to have beaten Barack Obama in 2016 and said he was "leading him by a lot" in the current race.

He once warned that Joe Biden would lead the nation into "World War II," and frequently slurs and mispronounces words in sometimes incomprehensible sentences. Trump is also making increasingly wild, baseless claims like insisting that foreign nations are flying "hundreds of thousands" of murderers into the U.S.

There was no immediate word from the Trump campaign on "powerfulnzz," nor comments on past blunders.