US President Donald Trump says there is "no reason to panic" over the novel coronavirus
US President Donald Trump says there is "no reason to panic" over the novel coronavirus AFP / Roberto SCHMIDT


  • Donald Trump once claimed that he could've died in a helicopter crash
  • The POTUS lied about taking the same helicopter that killed some of his staff
  • Donald Trump has been accused of lying multiple times 

Donald Trump has been accused of lying on multiple occasions. But there was one lie that seemingly jeopardized his safety.

In 1989, three executives from the POTUS’ casinos and two crew members were killed in a helicopter crash on their way to Atlantic City. Shortly after, a United Press International News wire published a story about the crash whilst saying that Trump was supposed to be on the helicopter.

The publication added that Trump backed out at the last minute. Newsday and New York Daily News published the exact same storyline. Trump Organization spokesman Dan Klores also supported the same story by saying that the POTUS doesn’t want to talk about it, but he was indeed supposed to take the same helicopter but backed out at the last minute.

But during her interview with MSNBC, Trump Organization employee Barbara Res said that the premise was a total fabrication.

“I’m going to tell you a little story. It was a horror. It was a horror for everybody,” she began.

Res said that it wasn’t long before Trump started telling everyone that he was supposed to be in the same helicopter that killed some of his staff. He also said that it didn’t get pulled off the plane, he would’ve also died at that time.

The Trump Organization staff then likened Trump’s lies to his previous statements about being at Ground Zero to help first responders after the 9/11 attacks. Res also said that the POTUS had been exploiting 9/11 to boost his reputation.

Meanwhile, former “Celebrity Apprentice” staff Noel Casler also claimed to know something more sinister about the previous helicopter crash. On Twitter, he detailed what he claims to know.

“Trump owned a fleet of helicopters in ‘89 but he made his executives who knew of his money laundering as he was being investigated for Taj Mahal get on a rental chopper. The propeller came off shortly after takeoff. All were killed. Lucky break for Donnie. @realDonaldTrump,” he wrote.

The POTUS has not responded to all of the claims above.