• Donald Trump talks about solidarity in recent press conference
  • Twitter reacted to Donald Trump's speech about coronavirus
  • Twitter users want Donald Trump to resign

Donald Trump speaks about great solidarity amid coronavirus outbreak and Twitter users’ call for him to resign.

Trump shared a clip of him giving a speech during a conference on Twitter. In the over 1-minute video, the president shares the progress his administration has made after a week of “extraordinary mobilization” against COVID-19.

Trump recognizes the businesses, charities and citizens who are working together with urgency and speed for one common goal – “saving American lives.” He adds that they are communicating with 148 foreign countries about the global pandemic. The POTUS also shares that there has been a “week of national action and great solidarity.”

“People are getting along. Republicans and democrats, independents and liberals and conservatives. And actually, it’s a very nice thing to say. We’re all one beautiful big American family and that’s taking place right now,” Trump says.

Although Trump’s message was about solidarity, Twitter users have mixed reaction to it. Many thanked Trump for the way he handles the matter, while others continue to mock and criticize him.

“Every single day president Trump and his team are doing more to combat the coronavirus. I am fully confident we will defeat it,” one commented.

“Glad we have Trump as President and not a DemocRAT!” @JoeySalads added.

“President Trump has handled this Chinese Virus situation with dignity and care. A lesser man would have crumbled!” @itsLovish143 opined.

Meanwhile, the critics attacked Trump for his lying.” Some even blamed the POTUS for not taking immediate action.

“Donald Trump's press conference was, once again, filled with lies and misinformation,” @EdwardTHardy wrote.

“Your mishandling of the Coronavirus has killed people. Resign,” @JeffreyGuterman added.

Meanwhile, a video of Trump looking sleepy during a coronavirus meeting is making the rounds online. Several netizens were irked after seeing it because he seemed bored and not interested despite how serious the matter is, so they are calling the POTUS to resign. One said that Trump’s COVID-19 response has been a “complete failure.”

The largest US airlines are pushing President Donald Trump, pictured March 21, 2020, to help them stave off mass layoffs
The largest US airlines are pushing President Donald Trump, pictured March 21, 2020, to help them stave off mass layoffs AFP / JIM WATSON