US President Donald Trump delivers remarks at a Keep America Great rally in Phoenix, Arizona, on February 19, the same day Democratic White House hopefuls held a contentious debate in Las Vegas
US President Donald Trump delivers remarks at a Keep America Great rally in Phoenix, Arizona, on February 19, the same day Democratic White House hopefuls held a contentious debate in Las Vegas AFP / JIM WATSON


  • Donald Trump spoke at a rally in Arizona this week
  • The POTUS struggled to pronounce a slew of words during his speech
  • Netizens noticed how Donald Trump tries to cover-up his stutters in public 

Donald Trump recently spoke at a rally in Arizona, where he targeted his presidential opponents and bragged about his achievements.

But some netizens couldn’t help but focus more on the many times the POTUS struggled with pronouncing certain words. Twitter user @atrupar uploaded a series of videos featuring all the times that Trump stuttered and tried to cover them up by changing the subject.

While talking about corruption, Melania Trump’s husband was unable to say the word “corrupt.” And in an attempt to save himself, he immediately changed his sentence before pronouncing the same word correctly.

In another video, the POTUS mistakenly refers to NAFTA as NASDA. And after realizing the mistake that he made, he once again tried to save himself from further embarrassment.

While talking about drug overdose, the president pronounced the word “overdose” as “overdoath.” Immediately after, the POTUS managed to pronounce the word properly.

The multiple errors that he made during his recent rally paved the way for his critics to mock him online. Some of them claimed that the POTUS was talking about himself when he discussed drug overdose.

“Is he spilling his guts on overdosing on Adderall?” Twitter user @franriz3742 said.

“How ironic is that,” Twitter user @sterlingC69 said.

“The overdoath dress!” Twitter user @youngand12 said.

Other netizens also noticed how Trump tries to cover up his stutters when he’s out in public giving speeches.

“He does that ‘look you saw it’ accordion hands thing to try to cover,” Twitter user @HailSweetSeitan said.

“100% of the time he short circuits, it’s followed by the phrase, ‘Look…’ and that accordion opening hand gesture,” Twitter user @DMGrill said.

“Wow. Whenever he short-circuits, it’s instant accordion hands and ‘look’ – this is a repeated behavior and he has short-circuited a dozen times at least,” Twitter user @SusanChappelle1 said.

“I can’t stand the accordion hands. Such a weird crutch,” Twitter user @1wineaux1 said.

“The fallback ‘look, look’ when he short circuits are the tell,” Twitter user @disaffktdyouts said.