Drivers safer when using headlights on bad weather
MAC spokesman Ben Tuffnell cited a Dutch study showing poor visibility as contributing to 50 percent of daytime accidents in The Netherlands. The accident rate rises to 80 percent at intersections, according to the said study.
Road Safety Minister Jack Snelling, however, said a change in the law should be supported by hard evidence.
We wouldn't be moving to make that a requirement unless there is a good case with sufficient evidence that it's really needed, quoted Snelling as saying on Wednesday.
Australian Associated Motor Insurers Limited (AAMI) also welcomes the proposed law patterned after California's 2004 Wipers On, Lights On law. But AAMI spokesman Mike Sopinski said all stakeholders must be consulted in formulating the proposed headlights on rainy days law.
Sopinski said most Australian drivers turn on their headlights during heavy rains.