Southeast Asia's largest economy is struggling as demand for commodities is damped by China's slowdown.
As the 2016 Summer Games draw near, organizers in cash-strapped Brazil look for balance between controlling costs and meeting global expectations.
Yale's reported investment return was 11.5 percent, and its endowment was valued at $25.6 billion. Meanwhile, Harvard's endowment, with a 5.8 percent gain, reached a high of $37.6 billion.
Major purchasers of U.S. Treasurys are now selling the bonds to raise money amid a global slowdown.
"The main focus of the [European Union] is on getting member states to keep older workers longer on the labor market."
Despite an economic slowdown, Chinese tourism continues to grow -- as do frustrations for travelers.
The move, which was widely expected, came amid growing signs of recession in the Japanese economy and continuing worries over deflation.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is considering new rules so customers can get their day in court over credit cards and checking accounts.
The agency’s next review of Ukraine is scheduled to occur after the implementation of the exchange offer, which is expected to be completed by Oct. 27.
For Lebanon's Shiite Muslims, the tragedy at the Mecca pilgrimage was an incitement to war by Saudi Arabia.
Just-in-time staffing and other practices mean employees -- especially in the low-paying retail and food-service sectors -- often struggle to plan their lives outside of work.
Catastrophic flooding in the state this week exposed the threats many new residential developments face from climate change.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership grants electronic data, for the first time, the same international trade protections material goods have.
Six of the top financial institutions in the U.S. together used nearly 400 recognized tax havens in 2014. Their offshore cash totaled $126 billion.
The measure would give nearly every full-time and part-time District of Columbia employee 16 weeks of paid family leave.
Prescription drugs were costlier for chronically ill patients under the Affordable Car Act, a study showed, but some said the comparison was unfair.
Many OPEC members have had deficits this year trying to compete with the United States' share of the oil market.
India and Germany put trade ties at the center of a three-day visit by Chancellor Angela Merkel to the subcontinent.
Analysts say the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal poses questions for Beijing, but may spur economic reforms.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is aimed at liberalizing commerce across nations accounting for 40 percent of the world's economy.
India's mega cities whose growth has been fueled by the rise of the country's outsourcing and other services sectors remain unsafe for women.
As the Trans-Pacific Partnership advanced Monday, labor advocates noted that Washington has failed to enforce the labor standards of past trade deals.
The United States tentatively agreed to the Trans-Pacific Partnership on Monday, but many members of Congress remain unsure about the deal.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, negotiated by U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman, could be a boon for the financial services industry, which vigorously lobbied for it.
Anxiety has spread quickly as the unemployment rate threatens to hit double digits in a matter of months.
"West Virginia consumers responded to Volkswagen’s advertising by purchasing TDI clean diesel models, expecting that their vehicles would be environmentally friendly."
Under the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Japanese automakers could source most of their parts from other countries, like China, but still enjoy reduced tariffs.
The U.S. cannabis industry faces its first class-action lawsuit. Will the case hold up in court?
The war in eastern Ukraine and a poor global economic environment could see the country's GDP fall by 12 percent this year.
Consumer spending has hit a plateau, remaining about the same since April, according to Gallup data.