Use of ad blocking software has exploded among people of all ages, sexes and throughout the world.
High school seniors who work part time earn more on average five to 10 years after graduation than their peers who don't work.
A Standard & Poor's report says that "when the economy operates below its potential, state tax revenues tend to suffer."
Brent crude oil slumped to a more than two-year low under $97 per barrel.
The EU and the U.S. imposed late last week a fresh set of sanctions against Moscow for its policy on Ukraine.
“There is no contract sanctity,” a U.S. official said. Accordingly, companies will have 14 days to wind down activities.
The U.S. Federal Reserve could signal the timing of its first interest-rate increase in more than eight years Wednesday.
Health-care costs shot up by 85 percent and fuel costs more than doubled during the past 15 years.
European Union finance ministers were considering at least four options at a meeting in Milan Saturday.
The discovery of coca plants in Mexico hints at a big shift in Mexican cocaine operations, but don’t count on major changes soon.
Calls are getting louder for new economic stimulus, by China's central bank or by its government.
The economic future of an independent Scotland will depend on what happens to its currency, which is still unclear.
Uber has struggled to overcome arcane legal statutes through its five-year history.
You can't get to the French Riviera if your private jet won't take off.
Americans are spending more on discretionary items, showing they are more confident about their finances.
Investors are weighing Russia's conflict with the West and a weakening Chinese economy.
Paris-based International Energy Agency called the recent oil demand slowdown "nothing short of remarkable."
Tesla will be exempt from property taxes for up to 10 years and from local sales taxes for up to 20 years, saving the company nearly $1 billion.
India has set a target of generating 15 percent of its domestic power from renewable energy sources by 2020.
The disaster relief agency says some homeowners received improper payments after Superstorm Sandy.
After the independence celebrations die down, Scottish nationalists would have a lot to sort out.
Advertisers like YouTube's growing stable of homegrown stars.
Iran has so far managed to win some concessions from Western nations by promising to scale back its nuclear program.
The number of Americans filing for unemployment insurance increased last week.
Investors will parse the central bank's words closely for any clues on the timing of the first U.S. rate hike in more than eight years.
The Chinese basketball sensation held up the American way of philanthropy as a model while addressing the World Economic Forum.
The combined asset sale, which will be done over the course of the year, is expected to add nearly $7.3 billion to the government's coffers.
In eight days, Scotland will vote to either split from the UK or stay. But as an independent country, where would it be in world rankings?
The incentives offered by Nevada's governor to Tesla for its battery plant are generous but complicated. This should help clear things up.
More older Americans are carrying federal student loan debt -- and facing risks to their retirement.