The taxman took a bite out of U.S. stocks Thursday as investors sold to come up with the taxes due on short- and long-term capital gains.
Expectations for U.S. company earnings are on a slippery slope down Wall Street.
For Chinese investors, items in the Detroit Institute of Arts collection would be a point of national pride, not just portfolio pieces.
Like other World Cup hosts before it, the country will not gain its investment back anytime soon, and it may not be ready in time.
The plan authored by U.S. Rep. Ryan, R-Wis., would eliminate the deficit, due largely to deep spending cuts to social safety net programs.
Colombia continues to be one of the most dangerous countries for union activism despite years of free trade.
Russia military has the ability to move quickly into Ukraine, if it is ordered to do so, a NATO official added.
The 32,000-claim drop is more evidence that the U.S. job market, while not robust, continues to heal.
The Federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has made public how much Medicare pays individual physicians in the U.S.
The Canadian province of Quebec now has majority Liberal leadership, and the business community is relieved.
Beijing's policy of nonintervention in oil-producing countries is becoming a bit more flexible.
Rhinoceros poaching in Africa is on the rise, and experts debate whether legalizing trade in their horns could help save the animals.
The capital flight coincides with slumping investment and a sharp deterioration in business confidence.
In 2013, Ukraine was the world’s fourth-largest corn exporter and sixth-largest wheat exporter.
The government has pledged to take 432 of its state-owned enterprises public; here are four of the biggest IPOs to come.
Inadequate U.S. bank regulations helped trigger the 2008 global financial crisis - the free world's biggest crisis since the Great Depression.
Armed pro-Moscow protesters Tuesday were still occupying Ukrainian government buildings in two cities in the largely Russian-speaking east.
International groups have asked Ethiopian officials to examine the plant's environmental impact, but to-date a report has not been produced.
Women now have a greater share of the U.S. jobs market than before the Great Recession, but for the wrong reason.
Russia could cut off Ukraine's gas supplies, causing knock-on effects for the European Union.
The Fund underscored that geopolitical maneuvers have consequences and would substantially harm Russia's economy.
A few Republicans are pressing Boehner for a vote, but he seems unlikely to move.
Nigeria is officially the largest economy in Africa, and multinationals are investing in talent from the diaspora to keep things moving.
The hearing before competition and legal officials and their counterparts could determine whether the banks face hefty fines.
Further, when asked about its currency's exchange rate, Prime Minister Orban declined to comment, saying it was a matter for the central bank.
The report expressed concerns about China's policy agenda being too ambitious and encouraged reforms as the path to sustained growth.
Martha Stokes, CMT, CEO of TechniTrader, discussed whether Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen interrupted a stock market correction.
The move to redraw China's boundaries makes as much sense as calling the area between Boston and Washington "Bosington," an expert says.
Life in shipbuilding towns continues to worsen despite hopeful signs for the Greek economy.
There are still 3.7 million long-term unemployed, and youth rates remain in double digits.