India has pinned its hopes on the new central bank chief, Raghuram Rajan, to tackle high inflation, a weak rupee and slowing growth.
U.S. Census Bureau data shows how much undergraduate degree holders will earn in a lifetime, based on their occupation and major.
How about: "If QE3 goes away, what’s the probability of QE4 if the economy backslides?"
Have you ever had Barranquilla parmesan or Bogotá mozzarella? Soon enough, you might not be able to.
But, the dip in FDI is not seen as a sign of weak economic recovery.
Save your pennies: Accommodation costs in Brazil for the World Cup may surge 500 percent for the global event.
A property tax seems inevitable for China's major cities, but levying such a tax could cost the nation some of its economic growth.
Janet Yellen's nomination -- and her perceived dovishness -- are hardly guaranteed.
It might come as a surprise, but European economies leave the United States trailing in their wake, new figures reveal.
The analysts combined nine mostly quantitative methods to come up with the noteworthy 1900 figure.
But, the ECB's Mario Draghi said the 'risk of an extreme event' had reduced and that capital flows had resumed to non-core economies.
If South Africa's domestic economy continues to falter, fast-growing markets elsewhere on the continent could become even more attractive.
India's wholesale price inflation, or WPI, rose more than expected in August hurting chances of a key policy rate cut later this week.
The president has accepted Lawrence Summers’ decision to withdraw from consideration as Federal Reserve chairman.
Bank-sponsored events are off the agenda as Summers’ waits to see if he’ll be nominated as the next Fed chief.
The U.S. president will tout gains of 7.5 million jobs since early 2010. Great, but the U.S. lost 8.7 million.
As Barclays put it, next week may be the beginning of the end of “abnormalnomics.”
The pending launch of a Shanghai free-trade zone aimed at testing Chinese economic reforms has analysts cautiously buzzing.
Protests in rural Colombia have prompted President Santos to announce reforms affecting coffee growers -- and buyers.
Even though the reduction in Fed stimulus will come as no surprise, next week is key for the gold market.
This may be Africa’s moment: Consider that mining may be one of the least of its many potentially lucrative assets and attributes.
Following the retail sales release, Barclays downgraded U.S. third-quarter gross domestic product growth from 1.6 percent to 1.5 percent.
An import terminal for liquified natural gas could counter Ghana's fast-growing energy demands.
Second-quarter employment data showed that job cuts are slowing, but an upturn in the labor market is still distant.
Investors remain transfixed on economic data, the Fed's next move next week, and the Syrian crisis.
The revised industrial production number is further evidence of a strengthening economy.
Reduced production in Libya and Nigeria has contributed to a rise in oil prices, but increased production elsewhere may reverse that.
Twitter filed for its highly anticipated IPO Thursday. But the new JOBs act allows details of the filing to be secret another three weeks.
The United States, which ranked 10th on the Economic Freedom Index, scored 76, the lowest it has scored since 2000.
However, the U.S. government said the surprising claims drop is linked to computer-related delays.