• The Ruins Greatsword requires 50 STR and 16 INT to wield 
  • This weapon can be obtained from Redmane Castle
  • Players can only get the greatsword before or after the Radahn Festival

The Ruins Greatsword is one of the legendary armaments in “Elden Ring” that serves as a reliable heavy melee weapon with a strong, unique weapon art.

Unlike most of the other legendary weapons in “Elden Ring,” the Ruins Greatsword can be obtained relatively early in the game, and players can technically rush to get this sword as long as they’re strong enough to beat the boss encounter related to it.

To get this weapon, players need to go to Redmane Castle in Caelid and defeat the Misbegotten Warrior and Crucible Knight duo in the castle’s plaza. This has to be done either before or after the Radahn Festival.

Redmane Castle is located on the southwestern shore of Caelid. Players can reach this area simply by following the main road southward. The castle will be visible from a distance, which should make navigation easier.

Upon reaching the bridge, enemy soldiers will start bombarding players with artillery from siege weapons. Dodge the incoming fire and head to the cliffside to the right of the castle gate. This will lead to a side entrance that leads inside the garrison.

Players can rush toward the boss room by heading toward the area guarded by soldiers with flamethrower turrets. Rush past these enemies and head inside the room to the right where a Site of Grace can be found. Then, pass through the golden fog gate to fight the two bosses.

At first, only the Misbegotten Warrior will be in the arena. Once he reaches half health, the Crucible Knight will join the fray.

The Ruins Greatsword can be obtained by beating the mini boss encounter at Redmane Castle
The Ruins Greatsword can be obtained by beating the mini boss encounter at Redmane Castle Elden Ring

This battle is best fought with a hardy spirit companion like Banished Knight Oleg. He can deal decent damage and take some pressure off the player once the team battle starts. Otherwise, try summoning another player for a co-op boss fight.

Defeating both mini-bosses will automatically reward the player with the Ruins Greatsword. However, it might take a while before it can actually be used due to its high stat requirements.

“Elden Ring” players will need at least 34 STR to wield this sword with two hands and a whopping 50 STR to be able to use it with just one. It also needs 16 INT in order for its magic damage to be worth anything and for its unique weapon art to become available.