"The 'National Hispanic Advisory Council' seems to be simply for optics and I do not have the time or energy for a scam," one council member reportedly wrote.
Gary Johnson and Jill Stein still face an uphill battle if they want to qualify for a spot in the presidential debates.
Donald Trump, at a rally in Arizona, vowed to deport those who entered the country illegally if he comes to power, hours after his meeting with the Mexican president.
"I don't think God sits things out. He's a sovereign God. Donald Trump became our nominee," Trump's evangelical adviser said.
Donald Trump is making a trip to Mexico ahead of a major immigration speech in Arizona.
Enrique Peña Nieto had invited both Trump and Hillary Clinton to Mexico to discuss the bilateral relationship with the United States.
The New York Times has called for Hillary Clinton to cut ties with the Clinton Foundation before the November election.
Donald Trump lashed out at Anthony Weiner, but had nuptial tumult himself.
The Donald may be getting the votes that traditionally go to the Democratic candidate.
Hillary Clinton previously passed on the opportunity to lead the gay rights movement.
Republican primary voters will decide between John McCain and Kelli Ward on Aug. 30.
Despite racial missteps from both White House hopefuls, black voters overwhelmingly support Clinton's candidacy.
The NBA star’s cousin Nykea Aldridge was shot dead Friday after she was caught in crossfire on a Chicago street, raising concerns regarding gun policies.
Hillary Clinton has been criticized for using an unauthorized private email system run from a server in the basement of her home while she was secretary of state.
Both Clinton and Speaker Paul Ryan have denounced the alt-right.
The latest poll shows Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton taking more than 50 percent of the national vote.
Clinton will travel to Reno, where she will denounce Donald Trump's "disturbing" style of politics.
Soon Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will face off on a debate stage (if the GOP nominee shows up).
Stephen Colbert instructed viewers to look up videos of Rudy Giuliani dressing in drag.
Newly released emails brought fresh attention to the intersection of foundation fundraising and policies pushed by the Hillary Clinton-led State Department. Here's what's been reported so far.
A closer look at Hillary Clinton's email controversy from its inception to the present provides more than a glimpse of the current state of U.S. politics.
Seth Meyers says Donald Trump's new campaign advisers undermine the candidate's attempts to widen his appeal.