Staffers with the Hillary Clinton campaign are concerned with Bernie Sanders' good polling and big crowds.
Most observers said no one should take the business tycoon, or his comments, seriously.
"I was offended by his remarks," former Texas Gov. Rick Perry says of the New York real-estate mogul's comments about Mexicans.
"He’s doing this to inflame and incite and to draw attention," Bush said of Trump.
The state GOP effort to impose restrictions on open records in Wisconsin came the same day Gov. Scott Walker said he had met all the qualifications to run for president.
Former Gov. Jeb Bush, Sen. Marco Rubio, former Gov. Lincoln Chafee and more have released messages wishing their supporters, and America, a happy Fourth of July.
GOP candidate Donald Trump weighed in on a shooting suspected to involve an undocumented immigrant. Comments Trump made while announcing his campaign have been perceived as racist toward Mexicans.
A memo from Richard Trumka seeks to restore order to the labor federation, after South Carolina and Vermont chapters announced support for Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign.
Former New York Gov. George Pataki launched a "Stand Up to Trump" petition drive aimed at his 2016 rival.
Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, a fierce opponent of illegal immigration, said Wednesday he appreciates that Trump "counterattacks and plunges forward."
Rand Paul quietly meets with the marijuana industry, but why aren't we seeing any proudly pro-cannabis candidates?
Twitter hashtag campaigns are dangerous fields filled with trolls and negativity, but politicians don't seem to be giving up.
Five key takeaways from Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's release of three decades of tax returns as he runs for president.
#AskBobby brings Jindal mockery and criticism. Chris Christie's hashtag also brought out the Twitter trolls. Do campaigns understand social media?
With his brash style, New Jersey's governor saw campaign success by simply holding town hall meetings. Can he take the show on the road?
Chris Christie launched his U.S. presidential campaign online with the hashtag #TellingItLikeItIs So opponents are doing exactly that.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie announced on Tuesday his intent to run for president in 2016, becoming the 14th Republican to officially enter the race.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie just joined a big field of Republican presidential hopefuls, and even though he's not in first place, he shouldn't be counted out.
A few years ago, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was a rising star in the GOP, but nobody had shut down the George Washington Bridge at that point.
In a radio interview, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said he hasn't made a 2016 decision yet, even though rumors are circulating that he'll announce June 30.
NBC is reportedly mulling over its future broadcast of the Miss USA pageant as controversy continues to unfold over the presidential candidate’s remarks on immigration last week.
In the crowded Republican primary field, Jeb Bush is leading in New Hampshire with Donald Trump just a few steps behind.