Hillary Clinton received an honorary doctorate from Queen's University Belfast in October 2018
Hillary Clinton received an honorary doctorate from Queen's University Belfast in October 2018. AFP/Don Emmert


  • Bernie Sanders responds to Hillary Clinton's striking remarks that "Nobody likes him" 
  • "Nobody wants to work with him. He got nothing done," Clinton added
  • Sanders says "Clinton is entitled to her point of view"

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT, refused to respond in kind to former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's hurtful comments about his gruff personality and alleged misogyny.

Clinton, who won the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination at Sanders' expense, had almost nothing good to say about her former rival in an explosive inteview with the Hollywood Reporter ahead of the release of a four-part documentary about her on Hulu with the title "Hillary."

In one of her most vehement anti-Sanders remarks, Clinton all but labeled Sanders an incompetent career politician nobody likes.

"He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him," said Clinton. "Nobody likes him. Nobody wants to work with him. He got nothing done."

Asked if she believes her observations still hold true, Clinton replied, "It does."

Sanders chose to brush aside this and other equally bitter comments from Clinton.

"On a good day, my wife likes me, so let’s clear the air on that one," replied Sanders to Clinton's remarks.

"Secretary Clinton is entitled to her point of view," said Sanders. "My job today is to focus on the (Trump) impeachment trial. My job today is to put together a team that can defeat the most dangerous president in the history of the United States of America."

Asked why he thought Clinton was "still talking" about the 2016 election, Sanders curtly replied, "That is a good question. Ask her."

Clinton also took issue with Sanders' abetting misogynism, which she also blamed on the people around Sanders.

"It's his leadership team," she said in an effort to fathom the origins of Sanders' alleged disdain for women. "It's his prominent supporters. It's his online Bernie Bros and their relentless attacks on lots of his competitors, particularly the women … He has permitted this culture -- not only permitted, (he) seems to really be very much supporting it."

She alleges Sanders only has to give a “wink” and his supporters will attack his female opponents, like Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) -- one of her best friends -- or Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA). Sanders is now struggling to escape from the fallout of a comment he made to Warren that a woman can't be elected U.S. president. Clinton believes Sanders said this based on his past history.

“It's part of a pattern. If it were a one-off, you might say, ‘OK, fine.’ But he said I was unqualified,” said Clinton.

White House Senator Elizabeth Warren declined to shake hands with rival candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (R) after the Democratic Party's final presidential primary debate before Iowa launches the nomination voting on February 3, 2020
White House Senator Elizabeth Warren declined to shake hands with rival candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (R) after the Democratic Party's final presidential primary debate before Iowa launches the nomination voting on February 3, 2020 AFP / Robyn Beck