sleep foods that will help
sleep foods that will help Engin Akyurt - Pixabay


  • Sleep problems are caused by so many factors, especially those activities that you do before bedtime
  • Since there are times that work and other matters can't be put off for another day, there are some things you can do to still be able to get some sleep
  • A few tweaks on your diet will just do the trick to help you get a good night's rest

Sleep loss is caused by many factors. Some of these may include invasive technologies and taking office work home. Both of these factors are often present in urban living conditions.

Deciding to leave work at the office may be impossible for many due to the voluminous tasks still to be done. Technology, on the other hand, sometimes acts as a stress reliever, so it is also hard to part with it.

Fortunately, you need not forego these two things as you can always implement a few simple tweaks to your diet that would also help you sleep better. In fact, making revisions in your diet can have immediate positive results, one of which is an improvement in your sleep quality. Avoiding some food types before bedtime is an example of such a revision.

Foods To Avoid Before Bedtime

Poor dietary decisions can wreak havoc on your sleep cycle, so avoiding them before going to bed can help you get a good night’s sleep. The National Sleep Foundation has revealed that one of the worst culprits that can cause sleep deprivation is complex carbs.

According to the NSF, you should avoid refined pasta, sugary, baked goods, and white bread before bedtime. These food types can reduce your serotonin levels and disrupt your sleeping pattern.

Serotonin is a chemical found in the brain. The NSF said that insomnia could result if you have low levels of this chemical.

One study even proved that eating refined carbs may cause insomnia. Refined carbs are types of starches and sugars that are not derived from natural whole foods. Instead, they have been produced and refined in another way.

The study, which was published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showed that postmenopausal women who eat a regular diet high in refined carbs could develop insomnia.

The Power of Fiber

On the other hand, women who regularly consume huge amounts of fiber, whole fruit, and vegetables are not likely to develop insomnia problems.

According to James Gangwisch, Ph.D., a Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons assistant professor, high dietary glycemic index increases the risk of insomnia. The Glycemic Index or GI is a comparative ranking of carbohydrates contained in foods and how they affect levels of blood glucose.

Foods that have a high glycemic index are those classified as containing highly refined carbohydrates like white rice, added sugars, soda, and white bread. These foods cause a swift increase in your blood sugar.

Researchers discovered that the higher is the dietary glycemic index, the bigger is the risk of developing insomnia. This is more so when fueled by added sugar and processed grains consumption.

Dr. Gangwisch and his team theorized that the sudden spikes and troughs in blood sugar after consuming refined carbs might lead to insomnia. Gangwisch said that when blood sugar rapidly rises, the body reacts by its release of insulin. The subsequent drop in blood sugar levels leads to the release of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. This can disrupt your sleep. To prevent this from happening, you should avoid foods like white bread soda, added sugars, and white rice.