• The ESA detected a new asteroid that could hit Earth
  • 2020 NY has a chance of hitting Earth in 2114
  • 2020 NY is as big as the asteroid that exploded over Russia

The European Space Agency (ESA) has detected a new asteroid that has a chance of colliding with Earth in the future. According to the data collected by the ESA, the asteroid is about as big as the space rock that caused a powerful mid-air explosion in Russia.

The asteroid, identified as 2020 NY, was recently included on the ESA’s Risk List. The Risk List is the agency’s online catalog that features asteroids with non-zero impact probabilities. This means that all asteroids on the list have chances of hitting Earth in the future.

According to the ESA, 2020 NY measures about 66 feet. The agency noted that it has a chance of colliding with Earth on July 10, 2114. The ESA estimated that the asteroid could hit Earth at a speed of over 36,000 miles per hour.

Based on its size, the asteroid will most likely not cause an impact event. Instead of hitting the ground, 2020 NY will probably explode in the sky, just like the asteroid that detonated over Russia several years ago

On Feb. 15, 2013, a 66-foot asteroid hit Earth and exploded over an area in Russia known as Chelyabinsk Oblast. The energy released by the asteroid’s airburst was equivalent to around 30 atomic bombs.

Although the explosion happened in the sky, it was still powerful enough to affect structures and people on the ground. According to reports, the blast damaged over 7,000 buildings and injured about 1,500 people.

According to the ESA, 2020 NY’s chances of hitting Earth in 2114 are pretty slim. The agency estimated that the odds of the asteroid colliding with the planet are one out of 51.3 million.

As noted by NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies, the last time the asteroid visited Earth’s vicinity was earlier this month. According to the agency, 2020 NY flew past the planet on July 9 from a distance of 0.00415 astronomical units, which is equivalent to about 386,000 miles away.

The asteroid’s next near-Earth approach is expected to happen on April 14, 2036. During this time, the asteroid will approach Earth from a distance of 0.10337 astronomical units or roughly 9.6 million miles away.

NASA asteroid impact
An illustration shows an asteroid impacting Earth in circumstances similar to the asteroid strike that killed the dinosaurs and plunged the world into darkness. NASA/NCAR