Exotic Bearded Dragon Spotted Under Trash Can In New York
- The bearded lizard appeared to be in good health and well-fed
- The animal was left in the care of a wildlife rehabilitator
- Bearded dragons are the most popular species among pet lizards due to their gentle nature
Of all the things found around a garbage can, a New York woman’s discovery completely stood out.
Deputies with The Nassau County Police Department said they rescued a cold-blooded bearded dragon lizard from under the unidentified woman’s outdoor garbage can after she informed them about the unusual find.
Officers responded to New Hyde Park's Lake Drive at around 6.20 p.m. ET Wednesday and found the "catatonic" exotic reptile, NBC New York reported, citing the police department. Catatonic is a condition in which the animal has restricted mobility.
An officer recovered the lizard and placed it inside a container. The reptile started moving when it was warmed up inside a patrol car, NBC New York reported.
Cops left the reptile in an approved wildlife rehabilitator’s custody after being unable to locate its owner. Police said it appeared to be in good condition and well-fed.
The lizards are distinguished by their beard-like spikes under the chin, which puff up depending on their mood. There are eight known species of these reptiles as of now, according to the National Geographic. Bearded dragons are the most popular species among pet lizards due to their gentle and active nature.
However, a bearded dragon may bite, causing painful injury in case it is startled or handled roughly. The venom of these creatures isn’t typically toxic to humans, but one is suggested to wash the wound immediately to prevent infection.
Bearded dragons are native to Australia, where they are mostly found in the desert regions. According to National Geographic, the species has been bred in the United States for decades for the pet trade. The lizards, said to be cold-blooded, rely on external heat resources such as basking in the sun to warm their bodies.
In June 2018, a California man discovered a bearded dragon inside a bicycle package he had ordered online from Walmart and decided to keep it as a pet, People Magazine had reported at that time. The man attempted to remove the bike from the package to assemble it and saw the critter staring back at him.
He secured the lizard using a five-gallon painter’s bucket and alerted the Riverside County Department of Animal Services. The agency had said in a statement the bike was made in China, but it wasn’t known for how long it may have been there. The responding officer fed the creature some canned peaches, which was probably the first meal it had eaten in a long while.