ExxonMobil was hit with a wave of backlash on Saturday after the gas and oil company announced LGBTQ and Black Lives Matter banners would not be flown on flagpoles outside of the company’s offices.

The new policy allows the display of flags representing Exxon Mobil, the company’s employee resource groups, and government flags.

However, employees are allowed to feature pride flags, Black Lives Matter flags, and other groups’ banners in areas on Exxon’s properties, including digital spaces and on lawns.

The decision led to “Exxon” trending on Twitter over the weekend, with people criticizing the company for attempting to maintain “neutrality.”

“#Exxon doesn’t believe in equality. It believes in profits. Why does this surprise anyone?! A corporation that has irreparably damaged our ecosystem isn’t likely to stand up to homophobic fascism. #DontSayGay,” one person wrote.

Another person suggested other companies should consider hiring Exxon’s employees that are a part of the LQBTQ community. “Hey recruiters at #LGBTQ friendly companies…now would be a great time to hire away Exxon employees,” the individual wrote.

The new policy regarding flags comes after Exxon allowed the flag to be displayed during last year’s pride month.

“The updated flag protocol is intended to clarify the use of the ExxonMobil branded company flag and not intended to diminish our commitment to diversity and support for employee resource groups,” Tracey Gunnlaugsson, Exxon Mobil's vice president of human resources, said in a statement.

“We’re committed to keeping an open, honest, and inclusive workplace for all of our employees, and we’re saddened that any employee would think otherwise.”

Gunnlaugsson insisted the company is supportive of its employee resource groups which include LGBTQ.

“It is a longstanding practice at our facilities around the world that E.R.G. flags can be flown during signature months,” Gunnlaugsson said. “The flags are directly related to our business and company support of our E.R.G.s.”

ExxonMobil scored higher profits due to increased oil prices amid the economic recovery
ExxonMobil scored higher profits due to increased oil prices amid the economic recovery GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / SPENCER PLATT