Facebook Music: What to Watch Out for

When Engineer Adam Reiss was confronted with a login message on his Spotify account asking him if he wanted to connect with Facebook music, he thought why not? After all he thought that would only entail having access to friend's playlists who had consented to share.
Reiss had fun scrolling down the list of his friends that magically popped up on the right toolbar of his Spotify feed. One of the most hardcore men I know had Bill Medley from the Dirty Dancing soundtrack as one of his most listened to artists. It was hilarious he said with a chuckle.
Little did Reiss know that as he was clicking on his friends playlists and listening to music throughout the day, Facebook was publishing his listened to record on its music timeline, that was visible to all his friends.
This is what many users have reported as a glitch in the system. Although you agree to sharing, many people are too quick to connect without realizing the consequences. Even if you do not listen to a song all the way through it gets published onto your Facebook music feed.
Spotify should ONLY upload to Facebook if you listen to a song for 15 / 30 + seconds.. I listen to a lot of music from friend's lists just to see if it's any good and often switch to another song after sampling. I love the update feed but I don't want all those songs I just skipped over represented on my profile! wrote Facebook user Kavan Bahrami.
Reiss was equally as disgruntled when he eventually logged into his Facebook to find his feed covered in every track he had listened to.
You don't always want to be listening to something hip and cool, he said. Sometimes you may be in the mood for something mellow and sentimental and then you open your Facebook to find comments all over your feed, he said.
When Facebook music launched last week some people did not even notice the Music tab tucked away on the left tool bar added under a whole family of new tabs including education and vocational network Lists.
It's a good idea it just needs to be explained better so people can immediately adapt their settings so they can control what they actually want to share, he said.
Turned it off as soon as it was available. If it stayed just in the music dashboard or timeline that would be great, unfortunately I found that it was constantly pushing updates to the right side time line, the music dashboard AND the main news feed. No one cares that much about what I'm listening to and I won't subject people to the spam, said Facebook user Josh LeClair
Other users have complained about their feeds getting clogged with peoples music updates. Facebook user Max Woolf had to unsubscribe from Michael Arrinton's page on Facebook complaining that his music preferences filled up his feed.
On the upside, songs can be removed from the feed simply by hovering the cursor over the song and clicking the X'.
Last week at its F8 developer conference Facebook launched its music service in an aim to making music, movies and other types of media a more integral part of its social network.
Facebook CEO, Mike Zuckerberg, has gone far beyond the simple Facebook like feature moving towards features where people can tell their friends what song they are listening to, what movie they are watching, or what article they are reading.
These news features have led to Facebook re-designing its news feed which has already led to much controversy just as it does every time Facebook undergoes a face lift.
The world is moving quickly, and we want to be innovative, Zuckerberg said at the Facebook F8 conference.
Zukerberg praised Spotify saying they had done a great job of building a social music service. A long list of music services and radio station apps has also been added to Facebook's music service.
Spotify is only available in Finland, France, Norway, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States, and therefore many Facebook users have complained about not being able to make full use of its new music service.
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