The video that went viral this holiday season of a FedEx delivery thrown over a fencehas prompted the company to respond.

According to the company statement, FedEx said, The situation has now been resolved to the customer's satisfaction, and we are handling the employee according to our disciplinary policies...While we continue to be surprised about the behavior shown, we know this is an aberration and is not reflective of the outstanding FedEx customer service that makes us proud around the world.

The video clip has garnered more than four million views in just a couple of days.

I want you to know that I was upset, embarrassed, and very sorry for our customer's poor experience, said Matthew Thornton, a FedEx senior vice president, according to Yahoo. We have met with the customer face to face and they already have a replacement monitor at no cost to them. They have accepted our apology and say they are fully satisfied with what we've done in response to this unacceptable delivery.

For FedEx, it was a special delivery from FedEx of a different kind (see video below). The video of the FedEx delivery man throwing a tv or computer monitor has been one of the hottest on the Web in recent days.

FedEx is busy with deliveries this holiday season, as usual. But apparently not all deliveries are made the way customers, or even Fred Smith's FedEx might like. A video posted on YouTube titled FedEx guy throwing my computer monitor is getting lots of play on the Internet and discussions through sites like

Here is a video of my monitor being 'delivered,' wrote gobbie55 with the upload.

The sad part is that I was home at the time with the front door wide open. All he would have had to do was ring the bell on the gate. Now I have to return my monitor since it is broken, the YouTube user wrote.

The comments have poured in for the 21 second video, has almost 2.5 million views in one day.

Don't know what's worse. The FedEx Guy, or people who? are complaining that the uploader is too rich because he has a gate, said one comment.

See the video below: