How dare an Apple product go wrong?

But fellow readers, it is happening. Apple's latest FinalCutPro update, the Final Cut Pro X released just this Tuesday on June 21, isn't meeting up to its hype. And the complaints are for real.

Users are furious with FCP X, and are taking their anger to the internet.

The following comments posted on Apple's appstore speak for itself.

Calling it Pro is just a joke at this point. I'm pretty gutted by this release, and will have to suggest to all my clients to find other options, as it's clear that Apple has no sense of what Professional Post-Production actually needs to be a viable product.

This is Final Cut Express meets iMovie!! I'm so disappointed that I want to cry! I'm a HUGE apple fan but this is a BIG blow for Mac editors... so disappointing...iMovie is actually more of a Pro app at this point

FCP X = Windows Vista
I can't believe what apple did with FCP X... this is no longer a professional application... this is just an upgrade of iMovie.
1. You can't view an external monitor like a production monitor
2. hundreds of preferences and features are GONE!!
3 Settings are GONE aw well...

As of when this article was written, 999 comments were posted on the appstore, among which 460 gave it a one star out of five.

Even staunch Apple fans are agreeing this is not one of their better products. In fact, it stinks.

Moreover, Conan O'Brian poked fun at it. Watch the video here:

But this is not funny for Steve Jobs, the perfectionist who is likely upset right now.

We are reminded of another time Jobs was so upset at the bad publicity MobileMe got when it launched in 2008. He told the team You should hate each other for having let each other down and discharged the MobileMe execs and appointed new leaders.

Hopefully that got their act together. The iCloud is supposedly the new and improved resurrection of MobileMe.

Now, it seems Jobs might have to come back from his medical leave to do some yelling. But if you're one of those folks confident in Jobs, he just might pull FinalCutProX out of this mess just fine.