A volunteer for Florida’s Clay County Republican Party went wildly off-message this week, calling elderly voters and telling them President Barack Obama is “a Muslim” with a “socialistic view” of the U.S.

The unidentified caller also claimed Obama would take Medicare away from the elderly recipients of the phone calls.

A recording of the message, left on an answering machine, was broadcast first on the WMNF radio station in Tampa on Thursday before making the rounds online.

Read here the full text of the message, transcribed in part by the Huffington Post: "Y'all sound like y'all are senior citizens, right? Yeah. You don't want Obama. You really don't want Obama. Because he'll get rid of your Medicare. You might as well say goodbye to it.

"I don't know if you've done any research on Obama or not, but he is a Muslim, um, he is, um, gotta socialistic view on the, ya know, economy, the government, the whole nine yards. If he had his way, we'd be a socialistic country.

"Pay attention to Fox News. If you can get out and watch that movie '2016,' do so. That has a lot of good information. Just really, the newspapers and Fox News will help you out. OK. Appreciate it, sir. Thank you. Bye bye.”

After the audio was made public, it was strongly condemned by Leslie Dougher, head of the Clay County GOP. “It was off-script completely. We have everything scripted,” Dougher told the Florida Times-Union of Jacksonville. “Those are clearly not the views of the Republican Party of Clay County or the Mitt Romney campaign.”

Listen to the full audio of the volunteer’s phone message below.