• A bounty of foods is prepared during Christmas dinner, which could elevate blood sugar levels
  • There is one food that you can add that will keep your blood sugar levels low
  • Go for sweet potatoes and yams during these festive moments

Christmas dinners often make people forget about controlling their blood sugar levels. Who wouldn’t? With a grand feast prepared right before you, it will become hard not to take a bite. There is one food, however, which you can enjoy without putting you at risk of spiking blood sugar levels.

Sweet Potatoes and Yams

You may be surprised, but potatoes are among the foods that you can indulge in during the holidays that will not have your blood sugar going up. According to Diabetes UK, carbohydrates are the primary source of energy of individuals, and eating the right foods with carbohydrates ensures that you would also have energy. There is just one caveat though, it must be the healthy kind of carbohydrates.

sweet potato to lower blood sugar
sweet potato to lower blood sugar auntmasako - Pixabay

This is where sweet potatoes and yams come in. These delectable goodies are way better than potatoes and other carbohydrate-rich foods. Sweet potatoes and yam have low to medium glucose index (GI).

One thing that you must take note of is the kind of preparation that you will do. Health experts advise that you keep the skin on when preparing sweet potatoes. This further lowers the GI, and it also highlights the fiber content of the food.

More Veggies Please

Also, make sure that you would include more vegetable sand fruits during Christmas dinner. This will give you lots of food options whenever it isn’t right for you to partake in the sweet delectable. Of course, make sure also that you control your portions. Remember that even veggies also have corresponding calories.

Refrain Alcoholic Drinks

While you may also consume alcoholic drinks, it is recommended that you be mindful of the portions. Men must only have a maximum of 3 to 4 units, while women must only have 2 to 3 units. Exceeding these portions would no longer be beneficial for the body.

Water and Exercise

Aside from these reminders, drinking water often and making sure that you also get some exercise will help in keeping your blood sugar levels in control. Adhering more to these will not only benefit you during the holiday season but will also benefit you in the long run. It will certainly lead you to a healthy body that you will certainly enjoy.