James Comey
Former FBI Director James Comey testifies before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence hearing on Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., June 8, 2017. Getty Images/Saul Loeb


  • Comey tweeted that Trump "fears" Biden because he can defeat him
  • Biden's campaign rejected Comey's endorsement, asking to "return" it
  • Democrats still resent Comey for opening Clinton probe before the 2016 election

As former Vice President Joe Biden sees new life being breathed into his campaign, he’s picking up more endorsements from big names. The latest came from James Comey, the former FBI director, on Tuesday – but Biden’s campaign is less than enthusiastic about embracing his support.

Comey announced on Twitter that he had voted for Biden as part of the primaries being held on Super Tuesday, writing, “there is a reason Trump fears @JoeBiden and roots for Bernie.”

Biden’s campaign, however, was quick to reply. Andrew Bates, who heads up rapid response, tweeted back that he’d “just received a package that I very much did not order.”

Although Comey might be remembered by many for the way he was fired by President Donald Trump after the two men clashed over an FBI probe into Russian influence on Trump’s 2016 campaign. At the time, Democrats cheered Comey for standing up to Trump. But some, including Biden, clearly have not yet forgotten about how Comey may have helped sink Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Mere days before Americans were set to vote for the next president, Comey announced that the FBI would be returning to an investigation of Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state. For Democrats, the timing of Comey’s announcement appeared political in nature, as it helped revive accusations from Clinton critics that she had acted criminally in her handling of classified information. This was especially jarring for Democrats, as just a few months prior Comey had announced that the investigation of Clinton was over with no evidence of criminal wrongdoing having been found.

“James Comey committed malfeasance of historic proportions in 2016, and that's how any Democratic campaign would react,” a former official under President Barack Obama’s administration told Fox News.

Biden’s rejection of Comey might otherwise come as something as a surprise, as he served as the FBI director for Obama before being fired just a few months into Trump’s presidency.

Biden’s campaign enjoyed a significant revival after Super Tuesday, where the presidential hopeful picked up hundreds of pledged delegates, thrusting him forward as the Democrats’ front runner for the nomination.