'Game Of Thrones' Season 4, Episode 4 Review: The Best Moments From 'Oathkeeper'

"Game of Thrones" Season 4, episode 4, "Oathkeeper," sees Westeros slowly moving away from Joffrey's death. But many characters are still deeply affected by the Purple Wedding. While "Oathkeeper" didn't feature any shocking moments, on par with the Purple Wedding, or the church scene, between Jaime and Cersei, the episode had some memorable moments. Here are our top five moments from the latest episode of "Game of Thrones."
Warning: Full "Game of Thrones" season 4 spoilers.
The Fall Of Meereen
"Oathkeeper" starts off with the Unsullied breaking into Meereen. Grey Worm gets to prove his strength by convincing the slaves of Meereen to revolt. Quietly, and off screen, the slave masters and the last Slaver City falls to Daenerys. Using lessons learned while at the side of the Mad King, Ser Barristan tries to convince Daenerys to show mercy, but she ignores his counsel. If we, as viewers, learned anything from last week's episode, it's that a good king, or queen, should listen to their advisers. Daenerys keeps her promise from the "Game of Thrones" season 4 premiere and nails 163 slave masters in her version of justice.
Jaime's Road to Redemption
If there was one thread running throughout "Oathkeeper," it was the long road to redemption for Jaime, the Kingslayer.
To start, it takes some convincing from Bronn, but Jaime finally sees Tyrion in jail. And, the siblings are great discussing their differences as well as who actually killed the king at the Purple Wedding. Jaime and Tyrion swap stories, as the former knows what it is like to be a prisoner, but that is no consolation to his brother who's accused of murdering Joffrey.
Following the controversial rape scene from "Breaker of Chains," the first meeting between Cersei and Jaime was highly anticipated. The scene avoids any discussion about Jaime's rape of Cersei, but she does have a mission for her ex-lover: find and kill Sansa. The Queen regent is sure of Tyrion's guilt and any sense of intimacy between Jaime and Cersei has vanished.
Jaime isn't proud of his legacy but sees one last chance to redeem himself by giving Brienne the Valyrian sword. That was Tywin's gift to his son in the "GoT" season 4 premiere. He also tells Brienne to find Sansa. Jaime has plenty of presents for Brienne, including a great looking suit of armor and Ser Podrick. Tyrion's former squire gets to serve Brienne on her mission to find Sansa, and their journey is going to be a fun one to watch.
20 Questions With Littlefinger
Littlefinger lets Sansa Stark figure out how he orchestrated Joffrey's death. Sansa is a sharp apprentice and knows Ser Dontos and Tyrion were not involved in Joffrey's death. The necklace given to Sansa by Ser Dontos was used to smuggle the poison into the Purple Wedding. While "Game of Thrones" has used many visual cues to alert viewers to the other conspirators, "Oathkeeper" makes it clear the Tyrells were involved in the Purple Wedding. We get another great scene between Oleanna and Margaery about the next steps for the family and for the newly widowed Margaery. The Queen of Thorns shares a wonderful story about her devious way to marry the man she wanted.
Ser Pounce and The New Royal Couple
Margaery takes a page from her grandmother's playbook and begins to get into the good graces of Tommen. For Margaery, Tommen is a much better marriage prospect than Joffrey, and it looks like she will easily control the impressionable boy. Of course, the bedroom scene is a perfect way to introduce Ser Pounce, the royal cat.
Monsters Beyond The Wall
The mutineers at Craster's Keep are a terrible evil that rivals the White Walkers, and other villains and monsters hinted at in "Game of Thrones." Led by Karl, the group tortured Craster's wife and captured Ghost, Jon Snow's direwolf. Bran Stark, Hodor and the Reed children are near Craster's Keep. They hear the cries of a baby boy who was meant to be a sacrifice to the White Walkers. Unfortunately, the group is caught, and Bran has to reveal himself as Ned Stark's son.
There's an interesting last scene in "Game of Thrones," Season 4, episode 4. A White Walker on a horse delivered a baby to an altar, and an unknown individual will have fans speculating about the mysterious monsters beyond the Wall.
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