• The Raiden Shogun is a hybrid character that can buff teammates and deal high amounts of damage within certain windows of opportunity
  • She works best as a quick-swap character or a main Electro support for Superconduct comps
  • The Emblem of Severed Fate set is the best artifact set for the Raiden Shogun

The almighty Electro Archon is now a playable character in “Genshin Impact,” opening up a plethora of possible new team compositions, builds and playstyles to explore.

Like the other Archons, the Raiden Shogun brings immense utility to the playing field. However, unlike her Geo and Anemo counterparts, she can deal absurd levels of damage in short windows of opportunity, making her a hybrid DPS/Support unit.

Here’s a quick overview of the Shogun’s playstyle as well as some of her most recommended builds and team comps in “Genshin Impact.”

The Raiden Shogun is a hybrid Support/DPS character with powerful burst damage windows
The Raiden Shogun is a hybrid Support/DPS character with powerful burst damage windows Genshin Impact

Raiden Shogun Playstyle

The Shogun works best as a quick-swap character. Most of the time, players will be using her for her Elemental Skill’s off-field damage, Electro application and Burst DMG buff, while she passively stacks Resolve for her own Elemental Burst.

Once enough Resolve stacks have been built up, the Raiden Shogun can unleash her empowered lightning blade to cut through foes and generate energy for her team. Once her Burst expires, she’ll revert back to her off-field damage role until enough Resolve stacks are gained once again.

Artifact Builds

Energy Recharge should be a priority for the Raiden Shogun as she can easily stack it with her ascension passive, and she gains extra Electro DMG for every ER point she has past 100%. She can also make good use of the Emblem of Severed Fate set so long as she has over 200 ER.

An ATK% Sands artifact is recommended if she has an ER weapon or timepiece. The Shogun still greatly benefits from DPS stats as most of her utility lies in dealing damage.


The Favonius Lance is a good F2P option. It increases the Shogun’s ER stat while complementing her particle generation. Alternatively, The Catch polearm from the Fishing Association is an excellent option for players who want to prioritize damage.

Engulfing Lightning, the featured 5-star polearm, is the Shogun’s most ideal weapon because of its synergy with Energy Recharge, but players will have to spend extra primogems just to get this weapon.

Team Comps

The Raiden Shogun works great in an Electro-centric quick-swap team or a physical damage team. Her near-permanent uptime on her Elemental Skill is great for maintaining Superconduct, while her particle generation, Burst DMG buff and Elemental Burst damage windows are great for quick-swapping.

Also, she works best with characters who have high energy costs like Eula. The Shogun’s Burst DMG buff scales proportionately with energy costs, and her energy generation through her abilities can help make those high-cost Bursts easier to access.