'Genshin Impact' Leaks: Thoma Abilities And Kit Breakdown
- Thoma is a hybrid unit with access to consistent barrier generation
- He is a 4-star Pyro Polearm user with max HP scaling
- Thoma's constellations increase his team-wide support ability
The latest beta version for “Genshin Impact” has added Thoma as a new playable unit, making him the newest addition to the game’s roster of male characters.
After laying low during the Raiden Shogun conflict in the main story quest, Thoma will finally be able to join the Traveler’s party as a 4-star Pyro Polearm user, according to Honey Impact. The website has accurately reflected all of the previously-released characters’ abilities and lore, making this new information regarding Thoma highly reliable.
Here’s a look at Thoma’s early kit and abilities prior to his release in the next major patch for “Genshin Impact.”
Thoma Overview
Thoma is a hybrid offensive/defensive support with decent buffs and utility. He will also be the third Pyro Polearm user next to Xiangling and Hu Tao, and much like the latter, his abilities will scale off of max HP.
Players can use Thoma as a shield support who can also deal AoE Pyro damage consistently while off-field, making him a great option for Melt teams.

Elemental Skill – Blazing Blessing
Blazing Blessing makes Thoma perform a kick that deals AoE Pyro damage. Casting the ability also creates a Blazing Barrier that absorbs damage and infuses Thoma’s attacks with Pyro.
Players can gain multiple barriers. Each new barrier’s HP will stack on top of the current one’s while also refreshing the duration completely. Barrier strength will scale based on Thoma’s max HP plus a flat amount at higher levels.
Elemental Burst – Crimson Ooyoroi
Casting this Elemental Burst will scorch all enemies around Thoma while granting him Scorching Panoply.
Scorching Panoply buffs an active character’s Normal Attacks, making them trigger Fiery Collapses every one second after hitting an enemy while also generating a lesser Blazing Barrier.
Fiery Collapses shoot out in front of active characters as wide waves of fire, dealing Pyro damage to every target hit.
The lesser Blazing Barriers last as long as normal barriers but take much less damage before breaking. However, they will constantly refresh and stack on top of each other as long as Scorching Panoply is active.
Thoma Constellations
Thoma’s most interesting constellations revolve around decreasing his cooldowns while giving him more team-wide utility.
- C1 will reduce ability cooldowns every time a different character Blazing Barrier gets hit
- C4 will grant Crimson Ooyoroi an energy restoration effect
- C6 will buff Normal, Charged and Plunging ATK damage every time Blazing Barrier is hit
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