Giant Goanna Terrorizes Elderly Couple Trying To Save Their Dog From It
A Goanna attacked an elderly couple walking their dog, in northeastern Queensland as they tried to stop it from eating their pet. The 72-year-old man suffered lacerations on his arm and leg from the attack, which could have been life-threatening.
The woman who is in her 60s was also taken to hospital with leg lacerations. The dog sustained severe injuries as well.
The goanna which attacked them is a species which can grow to over 6 feet in length through most varieties are smaller. They are also rarely aggressive to human beings.
The story goes that the dog tried to chase after the goanna sensing it was a threat or something unusual. Feeling territorial, the goanna must have retaliated and then went after the couple when they tried to intervene to save their dog.

According to the CQ rescue team, the attack happened in Flametree near Arlie Beach in Queensland. Apparently, the reptile suddenly turned on them and latched onto the man’s arm and bit the woman as well.
The man suffered severe blood-loss and a possible fracture on his right forearm, so he was in considerable pain.
He was thereafter lifted to Mackay Base Hospital to get treatment while his wife was sent to Proserpine hospital. Both of them are in stable condition.
The ambulance service senior operations supervisor, Shane Tucker, claimed the man was lucky not to have been more seriously injured during the attack by the goanna.
The Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary reptile keeper, Dave Ryan, claimed the best advice for anyone who came across a Goanna was to leave it alone. They have exceptionally sharp claws which they use for climbing trees and scratching the termite mounds.
Their teeth are also very sharp, so they can scratch the arms up quite a bit though the bite is allegedly far worse. They can open up quite a wound.
An ambulance worker told media outlets the couple is very lucky because it could have been worse. He added the Goannas are not known to attack regularly, but they could be very savage.
The dog was reported to have died in the earlier reports of the incident, but ABC said later that it had actually survived.
Considering the habitat loss is increasing, and there are more suburban areas, a lot of the animals are getting pushed to interact more with people. They are also getting less food; they have to disperse back into the suburban areas.