Google Earth Reveals Massive Alien Face In Antarctica

UFO enthusiasts claimed that a satellite image from Google Earth showed a giant alien face in Antarctica. Many of them claimed that it was made by an ancient alien race that lived in Antarctica.
The image of the alien face was shared via Instagram by the account UFO_Scandinavia. The post showed a video of a person using Google Earth through his or her mobile device. The person can then be seen zooming in and out on the alleged alien face, which is located near the snow and ice-covered mountains in Antarctica.
Based on the video, the alien face, which appears to have been sculpted from the snow, was very distinct. It even had a mouth, a nose and even slits for the eyes.
According to the YouTube channel thirdphaseofmoon, the image of the alien face was first discovered by an Italian researcher named Matteo Ianneo, who posted the Google Earth coordinates of the strange sighting on his blog.
Brett and Blake cousins, the operators of thirdphaseofmoon, speculated that the alien face might actually be a large structure that was built by an ancient race of aliens that visited Antarctica. They noted that it remained undiscovered for a long time because it was buried underneath the snow.
“It appears to be a massive, ancient structure of some kind of face that is being revealed for the first time on Google Earth,” they said in a video. “I would have to concur that whatever we’re looking at resembles some sort of megastructure.”
“Could this be something that was left behind by the ancient civilizations of Antarctica?” they added. “Ice melting could be revealing structures that would baffle the world.”
Although the image strongly resembles an alien face, this could be simply attributed to pareidolia. According to NASA, this is a psychological phenomenon that causes people to see certain things in various objects. This is the same concept used to explain most UFO and paranormal sightings.
“Pareidolia is the psychological phenomenon where people see recognizable shapes in clouds, rock formations, or otherwise unrelated objects or data,” the agency said in a statement. “There are many examples of this phenomenon on Earth and in space.”