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Google Inc. Logo Reuters

Google, ever the innovator, has taken upon itself to be a leading force in getting people to create mobile versions of their Web sites. Web search from mobile devices has quadrupled since 2010, Google's new project reported in a neat little graphic. In order to push Web sites of all types to make sure mobile users have the best Web experience possible, Google launched the site Nov. 2 with tutorials and instructions on how to make a mobile-friendly Web site.

The home page of the new site has links to services like Google Site Builder that can help put together a mobile-friendly site for you. There's also a tool on the homepage to show you how your Web site looks on a simulated mobile device. If you aren't sure if you have a mobile-friendly site, this is the tool for you.

Additionally, there's a quick guide to the best practices for making a mobile-friendly Web site. For the best mobile experience, according to Google, make sure your new mobile site has simple navigation and be thumb friendly for starters. Next, make sure your site loads fast and that the text is easy to go over quickly. It has to be easy to read because some people could be in a place where there is not much light.

Finally, Google advises those would be mobile Web site builders to avoid using Flash because it doesn't work on some devices, and to make sure any content works in both vertical and horizontal views. A mobile site redirect code is also helpful because it can tell if visitors are on a mobile device and automatically send them to the mobile-friendly version of the site.

Tell us if you prefer using your favorite sites on mobile devices and if the mobile-friendly version detracts from the experience.