This is an accurate representation of what we'll look like watching the GOP debate Saturday. You can, too, if you play this drinking game. Getty Images

The Republican presidential candidates are gathering for another debate Saturday evening in Manchester, New Hampshire, just two days after a Democratic showdown there and three days before the state's primary. If front-runner Donald Trump shows up, it will be the first time all the major GOP candidates will meet in one place since the Iowa caucuses, which saw Texas Sen. Ted Cruz emerge victorious and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson head home to change clothes. Trump, who skipped the last debate in Iowa, has asked for a redo there.

Saturday night promises to be as crazy as ever for the Republicans, especially since the field has narrowed to 10 candidates, and only seven of them are being allowed on stage. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee dropped out after Iowa. ABC News also announced there'll be no undercard debate this time around, upping the stakes for candidates hoping to make it to the next round.

If that Hunger Games-like description didn't excite you, this drinking game will. We won't judge — it's Saturday night and you're watching politicians yell at each other on a stage — but make sure you imbibe responsibly. Pick a candidate or two and follow these rules collected from Debate Drinking, Lions of Liberty and the Chicago Sun-Times.

Drink whenever your candidate...

...keeps speaking after the buzzer sounds.

...talks over someone else (moderators included).

...attacks Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

...says "ISIS," "ISIL" or "terrorists."

...references his poll numbers as evidence of success (ahem, Trump).

...vows to bring back jobs for "American families."

...denounces the Iran deal or Affordable Care Act.

...alludes to "when I'm president."

...interrupts by arguing that "my name was mentioned."

...tells you the URL to his or her campaign website (as if we don't know who they are by now).

And drink whenever any candidate...

...looks sleepy on stage.

...says the word "emails."

...mentions Clinton's rival, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

...complains that he isn't getting enough time. a clear, concise answer based on well-thought-out policies.

...borrows President Barack Obama's favorite line: "Let me be clear."

...gazes into the camera as if to address the people at home (pointing at you, Chris Christie).

...appears anxious that Ted Cruz is doing so well.

...uses the phrase "greatest ally."

...has to defend a former decision of his when the moderators call him out.

And finish your drink if...

...Florida Sen. Marco Rubio steps out from behind the lectern and lifts up his slacks to show off his fabulous boots.