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Great white shark Pixabay

A shark was caught on camera, ripping a seal to pieces just feet from where fishermen were watching at the time.

The footage taken by Sea Hawk Spearfishing illustrated the shark approaching the boat. Suddenly it began to thrash in the water, as a flock of gulls surrounded it from above.

Someone exclaimed that it had been eating a seal carcass for a while hence the thrashing in the water.

The shark seemed to leave it alone but then breached the water to continue with its feeding frenzy. The more the shark bit into the seal carcass, the more the water turned red with blood.

One of the fishermen in the entourage then jokingly implied there were no hopes for anyone going surfing that day.

Another fisherman commented on the potential old age of the shark considering its large size. The footage of the incident was posted on the Sea Hawk Spearfishing Facebook page today, where it attained several hundred views.

The uploader explained they had been fishing in the area their whole life, but it was the first time they had confirmed a Great White shark sighting.

It is not exactly clear at this time where the footage of the shark attack was taken, but the fishing tour usually operates off the Californian coast.

There was a widespread reaction from the video on social media as viewers voiced amazement. Most exclaimed at the wonder of being able to witness something like that within a few feet.

Great white shark sightings when they are feeding have been numerous this past few months.

Some footage was taken sometime in August, where a Great White Shark was feeding on a seal off Cape Cod.

While the seal was not very visible under the water, the shark was taking chunks out of the helpless animal, and the water continued to turn blood red. However, this attack lasted for a much lesser time than this one as the shark soon swam away.

In another incident a month after that, Theophilos Tsagkaris shared a video of a 15-foot great white shark tearing a seal apart yards from their whale watching boat in the waters of New Brunswick.

The Tour organizer, Jolly Breeze, posted the video to their page on Facebook, saying it was the third time they had spotted something like that in two weeks.

Most of the feeding that has been sighted took place on the east coast, so this was one of the few instances recorded on the west coast.