Off-Grid EV Charging Points Reduce the Cost of Electrifying Public and Commercial Transport

The transport sector is gradually evolving into an electrified ecosystem as the world embraces carbon-efficient solutions. This industry has been a significant player in accelerating sustainable energy use following the debut of electric vehicles (EVs), which are now being produced in mass by companies such as Tesla.
Notably, the campaign towards a carbon-neutral world is backed by many stakeholders, including the United Nations, European Union, local governments and private institutions. Their cooperative effort seems to be paying off, especially in the mobility industry, as more car manufacturers turn to carbon-efficient vehicles.
According to a report by Allied Market Research, the global electric vehicle market had a valuation of $162.34 billion in 2019. This figure is projected to grow at a CAGR of 22.6% to hit $802.81 billion by 2027. Given the world’s goal to achieve carbon-neutrality, it is likely that the public and commercial transport industry will be electrified within the next few years.
Electrification of the Public Transport System
The electrification of modern-day vehicles is not only an exciting milestone but a first step in the journey towards a green mobility industry. This upcoming solution to carbon emissions has received prominent governments’ support, including President Biden’s American Jobs Plan, which calls for $100 billion in EV rebates.
As for the rate of electrification, public and commercial transport systems should be leading the way. This sector plays a central role in most economies as people use public means of transport every day. That being the case, it comes as no surprise that stakeholders are going an extra mile to reduce carbon emissions caused by the public transport system.
While the efforts to electrify public transport have intensified, it is becoming harder to scale the adoption of EVs due to a shortage of reliable charging points. Currently, most EVs are powered by grid-connected solutions, which are pretty resource-intensive. In addition, some of the energy generated may not be as sustainable given that non-renewable energy sources sometimes power the grids.
These shortcomings of grid-connected charging points have become a pain point in scaling the electrification of the transport system. However, off-grid charging solutions are now emerging to cater for the growing demand.
Off-Grid EV Charging Solutions
Unlike grid-connected chargers, off-grid EV charging solutions provide more flexibility to users as they do not rely on the presence of an electric grid to function. Instead, these chargers can be installed anywhere, making it convenient for market prospects such as carsharing services, taxis and delivery companies to recharge their vehicles at any time.
As it stands, several firms have introduced off-grid EV charging solutions. One such firm is L-Charge, whose product suite features stationary and mobile EV chargers. The company recently announced that its first movable off-grid charging point will soon start to patrol the streets of Moscow.
This moving EV charging point is designed as a minivan to offer on-demand services across the city. The energy to power EVs through the L-Charge mobile charging point is generated from Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) and, in some cases, a combination of LNG and Hydrogen. Essentially, these forms of energy are more sustainable compared to oil or coal.
Meanwhile, the L-Charge stationary off-grid chargers also provide a reprieve to the challenges of grid-connected charging points. These chargers can pack up to 600kW charging power, enabling business owners to monetize their equipment. L-Charge CEO Dmitry Lashin is confident that off-grid charging solutions offer an opportunity to scale the adoption of EVs,
“The development of grid-connected charging station infrastructure is an expensive solution that also requires a lot of resources and time to implement. That is why we believe that only the creation of an autonomous network of charging stations can solve the problem”

Wrap Up
The importance of reducing carbon emissions can only be underplayed at the peril of human civilization. Today, most of the forest covers have primarily been diminished as a result of climate changes. This has had direct and indirect consequences to the human race, some of which may take decades to undo.
However, all hope is not lost; this can be seen in the electrification of vehicles amongst other machinery that currently uses coal or oil. Regions such as Europe are taking an extra initiative to introduce strict carbon-emission rules with set out targets such as achieving carbon-neutrality by 2050.
While it may take a while before the word reclaims its green ecosystem, tides are gradually changing. Most importantly, this initiative will require the cooperation of all stakeholders, including multinational organizations, governments, private institutions and individuals.