An ice cream truck driver was allegedly robbed by a group of kids. Pictured above is a plastic ice cream cone in Lowestoft, England. Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images

Police in Newport News, Virginia, on Sunday responded to an armed robbery of an ice cream truck. The driver of the ice cream truck was not robbed by an adult with a gun, but allegedly by a group of young boys, according to local publication the Daily Press.

The unidentified 30-year-old driver was approached by the group of “five or six” boys that afternoon. One of them asked for ice cream, which the driver provided. However, the other boys stepped back to give the leader room. The boy who took the ice cream and allegedly proceeded to pull out a gun and demand money from the driver.

The driver obliged, and the boys took the money, as well as the ice cream, and ran off. According to Newport News police, nobody was hurt at any point in this process. The police also declined to provide details about the suspects.

Newport News Master Police Officer Brandon Maynard told International Business Times in a phone interview that the investigation is still ongoing and there have been no interviews. The police department would not disclose how much money was stolen from the ice cream truck.

Maynard confirmed the incident was not part of any wave or pattern of juvenile crime in the area.

As mobile treat dispensaries that also carry stores of money, ice cream trucks are occasionally targets for robberies. A 28-year-old Pennsylvania man in March was sentenced to up to 10 years in prison for armed robbery of an ice cream truck. He pointed a gun at the driver, causing the driver and the children in line for ice cream to disperse. The man stole the truck and then abandoned it in a wooded area with the engine running.

An ice cream truck driver was allegedly robbed by a group of kids. Pictured above is a plastic ice cream cone in Lowestoft, England. Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images