'GTA Online' Update 1.15 News: Rockstar Running Double RP Weekend, Last Chance To Download Independence Day DLC

Rockstar is running a double RP weekend that begins today and will run through midnight on Sunday, August 3 in “Grand Theft Auto Online.” All jobs and other RP-increasing activities such as hold ups and gang attacks will earn players double RP.
The New York City-based developer also warned players earlier this week that time is running out to obtain update 1.15, or the Independence Day special.
“There is less than one week left to get the limited-time content made available as part of the ‘GTA Online Independence Day Special’,” Rockstar said on its Newswire on Monday. This is the last weekend the update will be available.
“So if you have yet to acquire vehicles like the Sovereign motorcycle and the Liberator monster truck, weapons like the Musket and Firework Rocket Launcher, or any of the patriotic tees and masks in-game, then now's the time. The seven new properties, the ability to ride the Ferris Whale and the Leviathan Roller Coaster, and the 17 new Jobs will all remain open permanently.”
The downloadable content launched in early July, and Rockstar promised it would keep players updated on the expiration date of the seasonal content.
The downloadable features include two new vehicles, the Sovereign motorcycle and the Liberator monster truck. Two new weapons were also added – the high-powered Musket and the Firework Rocket Launcher.
Rockstar also added seven new properties to the Dynasty 8 rolls, featuring new locations in Paleto Bay and Vinewood Hills. These locations offered plenty of yard space where users could host their own Fourth of July fireworks shows, and were able to use up to 12 varieties of fuse lengths to customize their own displays.
The developer also added two new amusement park rides at the Pleasure Pier – the Ferris Whale and the Leviathan Roller Coaster.
New clothing and personal features were also part of the “GTA Online” update. Players can now don a “Made in the USA” T-shirt, a backward mullet or an eagle animal mask that celebrates the national bird.
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