Gundam Evolution - Unicorn
Unicorn Gundam from Gundam Evolution Gundam Evolution


  • Unicorn excels at dealing sustained damage and healing allies
  • The suit can push advantages by granting free armor to nearby allies
  • Beam Magnum is great for finishing off enemies or contesting choke points

The Unicorn in "Gundam Evolution" is a mid-ranged hybrid between a healer and DPS unit that supports its allies by laying down suppressive fire and providing constant radial repairs and on-demand over-armor.

This mobile suit offers immense utility to any team composition, and it's a great pick for beginners as well, despite being locked behind the game's paywall/progression system.

Here's a short guide on how to use the Unicorn Gundam.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Unicorn supports the team's pushes by pinning down enemies and topping off allied health bars with its Beam Gatling Gun and Psycho-frame Resonance passive, respectively. These also come in handy for defense since the added sustain in battle helps with holding the frontline.

The most unique thing about this suit is its ability to grant free armor to its allies with Psycho-frame (Armor).

Unicorn's primary weapon is a fast-firing beam machine gun that deals moderate damage per shot over a medium distance. It won't hit as hard as the RX-78, but its fast fire rate, generous magazine capacity and relatively quick reload speed makes it ideal for melting enemy mechs or preventing pushes from a tight corridor.

Gundam Evolution - Beam Gatling
Beam Gatling Gun's hipfire accuracy can still be reliable when fired in short bursts Gundam Evolution

Unicorn can also peel off incoming flankers with its Shield Funnel skill, which locks onto targets before dealing damage and pushing them back. This skill makes Unicorn great for protecting backline damage dealers like Pale Rider and GM Sniper.

Lastly, its G-Maneuver, Beam Magnum, is great for demolishing enemies in chokepoints. Each magnum shot deals high damage, and it doesn't require as much precision from the player because of the enormous hitboxes.

As for weaknesses, Unicorn falters in close-range combat against the likes of Zaku II, Exia and Barbatos. Beam Gatling Gun rapidly loses accuracy when fired from the hip, and the suit itself only has 800 HP, making it vulnerable to flanking attacks.

How To Play Unicorn Gundam

Players should always be looking to stay near allies to get the most value from both Psycho-frame abilities. Try to activate PF Armor whenever it goes off-cooldown, and make sure to hit as many allies with it as possible.

When engaging in close quarters, fire Beam Gatling Gun in short bursts without aiming down. This ensures maximum accuracy and mobility.

Beam Magnum should be reserved to contest chokepoints like doorways and corridors. Its shots have a slight travel time, which makes it hard to use in open areas.

Gundam Evolution - Beam Magnum
Unicorn's Beam Magnum deals high damage to all targets in a wide line Gundam Evolution