Gwyneth Paltrow, Rachael Ray Lambaste New York Times For Cook Book Article

Gwyneth Paltrow caught up with Rachel Ray on the Rachel Ray Show yesterday after putting her kids to bed and pouring herself a glass of wine. The iconic actress phoned in from London for the show to talk about a New York Times article I Was a Cookbook Ghostwriter, which claimed that several celebrities had not actually written cookbooks under their names.
You know, normally I don't respond to gossip or anything, but you know this is my professional life and I'm writing more cookbooks, Paltrow told Ray. And I feel like it's important for the people who have responded so positively and interacted with me about my book, that they know that this is my book and I wrote my book and it's all mine.
Prior to her visit to the Rachel Ray Show, Paltrow tweeted about her problems with the times article: Love @nytimes dining section but this week's facts need checking. No ghost writer on my cookbook, I wrote every word myself.
Ray added to Paltrow's public condemnation of the Times: I so strongly agree, this is how I spend the little time at home I have with my family, I spend in front of these little notebooks, in front of the computer, said Ray. It sort of takes away from all of that to not be able to call that writing, of course that's writing. It doesn't mean you don't value the people who write the glossary or that help organize the pantry or that work on a project, but a writer is still a writer.
The New York Times stands behind the article and says it does not merit correction according to USA Today.
Julia Moskin, author of the Times article in question, specifically attacked Rachel Ray and Gwyneth Paltrow when she wrote the following: Many real-world cooks have wondered at the output of authors like Martha Stewart, Paula Deen and Jamie Oliver, who maintain cookbook production schedules that boggle the mind. Rachael Ray alone has published thousands of recipes in her cookbooks and magazine since 2005. How, you might ask, do they do it?
Moskin goes on to suggest that most celebrity chefs do not, in fact, write their own recipes. The team behind the face is invaluable, said Wes Martin, a chef who allegedly developed recipes for Ms. Ray according to the Times article. How many times can one person invent a new quick pasta dish?
Moskin took a shot at Paltrow when she wrote the following: Julia Turshen, who is writing a second cookbook with Gwyneth Paltrow after their collaboration on My Father's Daughter, began as the ghostwriter for the ghostwriter on a book by Mario Batali, tagging along with a notebook as the chef filmed a culinary romp through Spain.
So what do you think?
Do you believe that Gwyneth Paltrow and Rachael Ray wrote a large majority, if not all, of the words in their recipe books? Or, do you that it's far to hard to turn out work at that rate and that Moskin was, in fact, correct -- that both Paltrow and Ray hired ghostwriters for their books?
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