H1N1 cases in Hong Kong rivals mainland China
Hong Kong's H1N1 tally has reached726 with 130 new cases conformed within three days, the Department of Health (DH) said on Monday, which is only three lesser than the 729 cases of mainland China.
According to the statistics from DH, 130 new cases were confirmed from June 27 to 29, involving 72 males and 58 females, aged between 17 months to 62, but no fatality has been reported.
According to the statistics released on February 16, 2009, Hong Kong has a total population of 7008900 by the end of 2008. Hong Kong, one of the most prosperous cities in Asia, is now swept by the wide-spread H1N1, with about 8 people infected in every 100,000 residents.
While noting patient isolation and contact tracing are no longer efficient in reducing transmission as the disease has been widely circulating in the community, control measures at all boundary control points will remain unchanged, said Dr. PY Lam, Director of Health.
These include temperature screening, health declarations and broadcast of health messages at the control points. Travelers found to have mild flu symptoms will be given facemasks and be advised to seek medical attention at designated flu clinics. Those with severe symptoms will be taken to public hospitals.
Dr. Lam said people going to the Mainland with flu-like symptoms will be taken to hospitals for further management or advised to return to Hong Kong.
He appealed to people with flu symptoms to defer travel and consult doctors as soon as possible.
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