'H1Z1' Early Access Release Date Nears: What We Know About Sony's Zombie Horror Game So Far

Sony Online Entertainment, a unit of Sony Corp. (NYSE:SNE), hasn’t yet revealed a release date for zombie survival horror game “H1Z1,” but we’re definitely looking forward to the title, which has a number of awesome features that set it apart from other post-apocalyptic, open world games. As we come closer to the release date, let’s recap what we know so far about “H1Z1.”
1. The game will have dynamic weather patterns.
“'H1Z1' will have dynamic weather, meaning it could be sunny one day and rainy, cloudy, or even snowy the next day. So, it’s possible that players will go inside their makeshift shack to craft during a sunny day and come out only to be greeted by a snowstorm,” game designer Adam Clegg told IBTimes on July 12.
“Weather is going to be one of the more marquee features in the game because it actually affects gameplay,” Clegg explained.
This means that like the real world, a bright, sunny day can quickly turn into a cloudy, rainy one, leaving players to battle the elements on their own.
“Snow and rain won’t just be aesthetic features; players will have to react differently depending on the weather. For example, a player in a T-shirt and jeans in the middle of a snowstorm has a greater chance of freezing to death. If it starts raining and he or she is without shelter, rain could put out his or her campfire and now the player is left without heat, a light source, and protection from wildlife.”
2. ‘H1Z1’ will have a day-to-night cycle.
“Our day-and-night cycle has a huge impact on the game because, like real life, as it gets darker, players will need more light sources to survive. On the flip side, light sources mean players can’t hide as well and can be seen from further away,” Clegg told us. “One of the things I like to do in ‘H1Z1’ is go hunting at night, looking for campfires and tracking where people might have just been and where they are going.”
Though daylight has its advantages, programmer Ryan Favale noted some advantages of playing during the game’s night cycle.
“For the crafter, the night can give players some peace, allowing them to craft in the dark when no one can see them. But I personally enjoy the scare of the night and its contrast in lighting,” Favale added. “Watching dusk fade away is like climbing up the roller coaster just before the 100-foot fall: You’re scared but have a lot of adrenaline pumping through your veins. When the morning comes, you can dry your tears and prepare for the next night.”
3. Players start the game with nothing.
As with most games, you start "H1Z1" with the few objects and resources. Items you collect in the game can be combined with others to create new useful items. Players use “recipes,” of which there are more than 100 in the game, to craft items like clothing, food, shelters and more.
“Basically, you get dropped in the game with nothing. You have an axe and a flashlight,” Clegg said. Once you begin playing “H1Z1,” you can chop down trees, collect firewood, search for other survivors and kill wolves and deer for food.
4. You will have access to vehicles – and yes, you can run over zombies.
In the game, players will also have access to vehicles, which they can use to raid old, abandoned warehouses as well as run over the bloodthirsty zombies attempting to kill you and other players.
“I’m most excited about the vehicles and surviving, running over pedestrians, that sort of thing,” Kris Roberts, “H1Z1” game designer, told us last month. Roberts primarily worked on the title’s cars, trucks and driving abilities. “It’s gonna be awesome as far as the massive numbers of players we can support as a real MMO. Sony’s got a lot of background in terms of creating those types of experiences.”
5. “H1Z1” isn’t a “DayZ” clone.
Many people have compared “H1Z1” to Bohemia Interactive’s zombie title “DayZ,” but Sony insists the games are two different entities.
“This is our own take on zombie survival. It’s set in anywhere America. It being in America already feels different,” Clegg told us last month. “We’re creating our own persistent world and our own take on zombies. With the vehicles and all the stuff that’s in this game, it feels like it’s our own. It’s not about being similar or trying to be like another game. It’s trying to set the world apart. It’s our own take on it.”
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