The controversial new billboard comes months after another sign upset some residents of Harrison, Ark. Reuters

A sign advertising an Arkansas town has left many upset with the message they believe it promotes.

The roadside billboard reads: "Beautiful Town, Beautiful People, No Wrong Exits, No Bad Neighborhoods." According to KY3, the billboard includes a link to a website that adversities Harrison, a town that the site claims is almost 98 percent white. The new sign is located beneath an older, and equally controversial one that says, "Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. "

The Harrison Community Task Force on Race Relations is upset over the message the boards present. Speaking to KY3, one member, Layne Ragsdale, said she believes that specific people or groups are attempting to stifle diversity in the town.

"They're trying to stake their claim and build a community for themselves that they feel like they carry some weight in, and I think the community has had enough of that and saying they don't speak for them," said Ragsdale.

The billboard company is not revealing the person or group behind the advertisements. KY3 did speak to one of the realtors included on the site named on the Billboard. But that relator, Bob Dodson, said he wasn’t aware his company was linked to the site and didn’t “want to be associated with it.”

"There are a few people who are trying to speak for the entire community and we have a loving community," he told the station. Dodson is now working to get his link taken off the site.