Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 has just been released, but the cast of HP7 have closed the door on their Harry Potter days when filming wrapped over one year ago.
It was one decade ago when we welcomed the young stars-Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint-into our living rooms and began this journey that would last eight movies. Having grown up right before our eyes, the cast admits it will be hard to move on.I keep thinking next year we'll be back, but we really won't. It really is the end, Grint said. I have felt a little bit lost without it, if I'm honest. It's not something you can forget about really. It's been my childhood and it's going to take a while for me to accept.
The 23 year old is not the only one to admit he will miss filming. In an interview with Larry King, Radcliffe opened up about his difficulty of moving on. The 21-year-old actor had only some experience on the big screen when he was casted as Harry. I've had such an amazing time on Potter. It's been such an extraordinary experience to work with, essentially, the same group of people for 10 years. You develop such close bonds with so many people, Radcliffe said. I cried, cried, cried, cried, cried - it was really emotional and overwhelming, Watson declared.
Of course, watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 is definitely a tear jerker--especially as you watch the final credits roll... But! It is comforting to know that our favorite wizard cast has grown into lovely actors and actresses over the years. Here is a look at 10 years of magic, friendship, and childhood memories.
What asked "What's next for you?" by Metro reporter Heidi Patalano, Watson answered:It’s obviously scary — change is always scary, but I feel like I’m entering a new chapter, like I get a fresh start, and there’s something really exciting about that. I have just made a film called “The Perks of Being a Wallflower,” which was just an incredible experience. I had the best six weeks. Having an experience like that outside of “Harry Potter” was what convinced me that acting really was what I should be doing.ReutersActress Emma Watson arrives for the world premiere of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2" in Trafalgar Square, in central LondonReuters“I am going to miss them,” Daniel said in a recent interview, speaking of his co-stars, “and the cast as well. The crew became some of my best friends in the world. I will also miss getting to do some of the stuff I did as Harry, like a 40ft freefall from a roof when I was 15. I did loads of underwater stuff, like bursting out through a ring of fire. I will never be able to do that again.”ReutersCast member Radcliffe arrives for premiere of the film "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" in New YorkReuters“I've always felt a quite close connection to Ron, even before the films,” said Grint. “After ten years playing the same guy every day I think you do naturally just morph into him. We've become this kind of ‘Ron-pert’ thing, which I think will stay with me for a while. I think there will always be a bit of Ron in me for the rest of my life.”ReutersCast member Grint arrives for premiere of the film "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" in New YorkReutersOn one of his favorite moments as Draco:“One of my favorite ones from the early days was the dueling scene when [Harry and Draco] were up on the table from The Chamber of Secrets. I think that was a lot of fun, doing our own stunts at 13 or 14. That was pretty exciting...“Getting punched by Hermione [in Prisoner of Azkaban], that one gets brought up a bit with me. A lot of street cred was lost on that film.”ReutersActor Tom Felton arrives at the world premiere of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2" in Trafalgar Square, in central LondonReuters“Neville helped me grow up as much as he’s helped people who’ve watched the films,” Lewis said. “When I first started, Neville and I were very similar: shy, chubby-faced boy. There was very little acting in the first couple of movies. That’s just me...But as he grew, so did I. And the thing about Neville is this amazing message that J.K. Rowling did for him. This message of evolution,” he continued. “Neville’s bullied, he’s scared of his own shadow. No one ever thinks he’ll amount to anything. And here he is in [“Deathly Hallows — Part 2”] saving the wizarding world. It just shows you that, no matter how your childhood is, it doesn’t define you.”ReutersActor Matthew Lewis and an unidentified companion arrive for the world premiere of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2" in Trafalgar Square, in central LondonReuters