Hashtag 'Alice bucket list' trending on Twitter, 15-year-old with terminal cancer gets wish

It's a very twenty-first century turn of events. A 15-year-old British girl with terminal cancer wanted to trend on Twitter before she died and on Thursday she got her wish.
Alice Pyne has Hodgkins Lynphoma and is now trending on Twitter just three days after she published a blog post with a bucket list, or last wishes. Since then thousands of Twitter users have been retweeting her Twitter wish, using the hashtag #alicebucketlist. On her blog, Alice said she wanted to trend on Twitter to raise awareness for bone marrow donation, encouraging people to donate was another entry on her list.
Alice's blog was originslly intended for family and friends, but the very candid publication went viral and is now trending world-wide. Alice says on her blog that her cancer is a pain because there's so much I want to do. She also explained that she's been fighting cancer for four years, she wrote: I know that the cancer is gaining on me and it doesn't feel like I'm going to win this one.
There are over a dozen items on Alice's bucket list. One is to travel to Kenya. Alice will not be able to fulfill that wish, she's too high-risk to leave the country, but it shows strength that she hasn't quite given up.
Since her list went viral, Alice has written that she's most excited about people registering to donate bone marrow because of her. I will take a camera with me wherever I go and I'll post photos of everything I do. The only thing Alice asks in return for documenting her journey is for her readers to spread the word about bone marrow donation.
Registering to donate bone marrow in the U.S. is as simple as a click of a mouse. Go to www.marrow.org/JOIN or http://www.bonemarrow.org/help/become_a_donor.html to sign up.
To read Alice's blog, click HERE.
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