'Hearthstone' An Ancient Recipe Tavern Brawl Guide: The Best (And Worst) Classes To Choose

Last week’s Hearthstone Tavern Brawl was kind of a snooze fest, but Blizzard more than made up for it with this week’s “An Ancient Recipe.” You pick a class and then get a deck filled with Journey To Un’Goro cards you wouldn’t normally have. Each deck is centered around the Quests, which means some are better than others. Shaman, Hunter and Mage are the only classes to not use their Quest, mainly because those decks would have been just too powerful.
Here are the best classes to win in “An Ancient Recipe,” along with a couple terrible ones only a glutton for punishment would play. If I didn't include the class on the list, that means they are still viable, but not the best.
Good Classes
Paladin - The whole deck is filled with buff cards, making Kaleidosaur super easy to summon. Combine that with Mixologists for early game pressure and Truesilver Champions and you have a very happy Uther. Blessing Of Wisdom is normally a terrible card, but in this Brawl when it’s super hard to actually remove minions with Divine Shield like Argent Squire, it comes in super clutch.
Priest- I thought Anduin was going to be terrible in Journey To Un’Goro, but I was wrong. His Deathrattle minions and powerful Shadow Word board clears make him a terrific ally in the jungle. You only have to summon a minion to count towards Priest’s Quest, so Barnes and Onyx Bishop will fill those requirements -- if they hit a Deathrattle minion, of course. I had a ton of fun with Spellsinger Umbra, who was summoned out of the deck by Barnes and gave me a ludicrous amount of value with Cairne Bloodhoof and Living Shade. 10/10 would recommend.
Mage- Living Portal is one of the best Quests to be released in Journey To Un’Goro, which is why you can’t use it in this Brawl. It’s too easy to get spells that weren’t already in your deck with Cabalists Tome and Primordial Glyph. Jaina requires a bit more brain to play properly than her brutish allies, but that just makes her more fun. Mana Wyrm can threaten most early game minions if you have a Coin or Flame Geyser ready to set up on turn two. She’s got a ton of Elementals on her side, so if you ever wanted to try Ozruk, this is your chance.
Terrible Classes
Druid- Your whole hand will be filled with five-mana minions that you will never be able to play, don’t waste your time.
Warlock- The worst Quest, the worst minions that drop from your hand and the worst way to get a win in this Tavern Brawl. Why bother with a portal that summons one 5/5 minion a turn when you can just play the Rogue Quest and get a whole board of powerful Swashburglars.
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