Here Are 20 Dumb And Funny Things That People Believed As Children
Children are rather gullible, they will believe anything they are told, and this is why most parents get away with a lot of things. Kids obviously lack the life experience that adults have, and that is why it is quite easy to get them to think anything is true. In fact, some parents have managed to convince their kids of some absurd things, and it's not even funny!
Sure, they do find out the truth sooner or later, but the time that they spent believing the lie is always going to remain in their memory and it goes on to become something they laugh about and pass on to their own children, as well. So, when Dr. Daniel Marven asked Twitter users to recall what were the dumbest things they believed in as children, they delivered. Here are some of the dumbest and funniest things that were shared.
What is the dumbest thing you believed as a child..?
— Daniel Marven (@danielmarven) March 9, 2019
1. I thought toy story was real and my toys and posters would talk to each other after I left the room - @mandaxxvi
2. That if your tooth was taken off, you had to put it inside your shoe or throw it on top of the roof so it can be replaced with money - @MacBlazeSA
3. That if I swallow watermelon seeds, watermelons would grow in my tummy. And that pregnant women swallowed watermelon seeds that's why they have big tummies -@Pamela_Mathye
That one day when older I'm gonna open the back of the TV and get in qstart acting and become a celebrity
— Tebza Mrembula🇿🇦 (@Sir_Cli4d) March 9, 2019
5. My grandpa had a well on his property, and when my mom told me I thought she meant there was a whale underneath the ground that shot up water from its blowhole for my grandpa to drink -@AhManDuh_
6. I thought the car radio had a bunch of little tiny people singing in there. To my mind, they were about the size of the push buttons the car radios used to have it the early 70's - @DerianDesigns
To have a kid, you had to write a persuasive letter to the govt. Then they sent you a seed which you ate and you birthed a child. That's why you always had to practice persuasive writing.
— loser homebody (@ezzedoti) March 9, 2019
8. That your blood was blue when it was inside you and it didn't turn red until it was exposed to the air - @JoshCrewsReally
9. That telephone poles grew on a telephone tree farm. Seriously! There was some type of telephone pole testing or prep site nearby, and my dad told me they were growing baby telephone poles. I believed that for years! - @KSukEDUC

10. That everyones job was what they aspired to be their whole lives. id be like wow she dreamt of going to waitress school her whole life and here she is w my chocolate milk good for her - @danicapelli
My mom told me that if I kept sucking my thumb it would fall off. I was absolutely SHOOK
— Billie 🌸 (@Billiedawnwebb) March 9, 2019
12. That I could make stoplights change from red to green if I just believed hard enough - @isabel_thalken
13. That when you ate food it travelled down to the end of your feet - and when your legs were filled up it came out your bum as pooh. I thought that cellulite was backed up pooh. I once asked a lady why she didn’t pooh more to get rid of it. Which went well - @SamEspensen
If you swallow chewing gum it takes 7 years for it to come out of your body
— alison greaves (@aligwasp) March 9, 2019
15. Thunderstorm was a baseball game in heaven, and thunder was the sound of a bat cracking while hitting the ball - @bc_news_addict
Carrots make you see in the dark if you eat them all off your dinner plate
— Richard Brown (@47dc5a586a28487) March 9, 2019
17. That when you became an adult you got to pick a new first name. No one told me this. I don’t know where I got the idea; when I was told no, you’re stuck with your name, I was SHOCKED and DISMAYED -@LThacyk
18. My brother once told me that the reason we had a leap day was bc one of our presidents felt bad for February only having 28 days -@CrequeOleHouse
19. I thought the devil lived at the bottom of the toilet. So, I would stand as far from the toilet as I could to flush it. Then I would sprint away -@shelpeep
I remember as a kid asking my (clean shaven) dad if he'd ever grown a beard, and he said 'Yeah, i tried it once but it came out blue so i had to shave it off.' and i totally accepted that this occurred.
— mark stafford has ink on his hands (@marxtafford) March 10, 2019
These comments show just how innocent a child can be, right?