Europeans are now able to request Google to remove links to certain information Shutterstock

Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) revealed a new website on Thursday that allows European users to ask Google to remove information from search results. The form was created to comply with a European Court of Justice ruling earlier in May that declared Europeans have a "right to be forgotten."

The form asks for the person’s name, email address, a list of links to be removed and a government-issued ID to verify identity. Google said requesters can obscure personal information besides the name, and that it will delete the copy within one month of closing a case. Google also allows people to make requests on the behalf of others, such as spouses or attorneys.

Though the request form is simple enough to fill out, it does not guarantee that Google will remove the information. Google said it will evaluate each case to determine if there is public interest in not censoring the search results, such as in the example of financial scams, professional malpractice, criminal convictions or the public conduct of government officials.

Below is the form, which can be filled out on Google's website.

Google Search Removal Request Form 1
The form for users to ask users to remove information from search results. Google
Google Search Removal Request Form 2
The form for users to ask users to remove information from search results. Google
Google Search Removal Request Form 3
The form for users to ask users to remove information from search results. Google